Black Friday Campers

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I did it for the first time last year and had some fun, plan on doing it this year at best buy to grab a few things I want and maybe a Wii.

anyone else doing it?

Have fun freezing your balls off

I dont see anything great to camp for yet maybe a tv.

im going to try and borrow a friend’s Propane tank top heater.

and if it rains then tent it is lol

I’m not gonna be camping, but I’ll be going out early that morning; Wii hunting.

circuit city’s and toys r us always put there wii’s out every week for sunday morning. why the hell would you camp out for one??

That’s actually where I’m going tomorrow morning; Toys R Us in West Mifflin.

im camping out for other things. and if i happen to see a wii then i’ll get it

I’ll be outside the Mills BB at 3AM knocking over fat middle-aged women so I can save myself $100 on a crappy TV. :bigthumb:

psshhhh good luck, i’ll be sitting in the house looking for you on the news with all the other crazies

you people must have no life if sitting in the cold waiting for a store to open is fun.

I hope we get a freak ice storm or something to make your stupid ass just a bit more uncomfortable.

camping out in the woods=fun
camping out in a mall=retarded

toys r us are fucking retards… they wont transfer me to the video game dept to see if they have a wii

TRy it out, you might just find out it’s alot more fun than you think. I guess you thinking tailgating is retarded also?

Last year at staples it was much more like a tailgate party than waiting for a store to open.

I was there at 8:30 and it was packed. The fucking retard I talked to yesterday said they open at 9 AM. Douchebag…

Well this morning they had 128 Wii’s. When I walked in the front door this one lady asked me if I was buying a Wii; I said yes and she handed me a slip and said I was gonna get thee last one, #128. The waiting line went through half the store, and it took a little over an hour. They wouldn’t let people in the electronics part of the store even if all they wanted was a game for xbox360 or even an accessory. They made everybody wait.

The way they handled it was retarded, but at least my 2 months of searching for a Wii for my mom for Christmas is over.

ty Tom.

well thats fucking retarded… glad you got one…

how do all these people know when a store is getting Wii consoles? I mean holy shit… 128… how do they know which stores get them and how many?

ask people? like i said. every sunday. circuit city and toys r us

hmm…i might be needing a Laptop if Sonny cant fix mine

called circuit city right before they opened, they said they didnt have any. (west mifflin store)

im starting to think that all these places just fucking say they dont have them just to get off the phone with you

probably. mcknight told me they get them in on fridays and dont put them out till sunday morning