Best Buy's Secret "Employee Only" In-Store Website Shows Different Prices Than Public
Think this is true? I have never had a problem like this. I always get what I want as a consumer, I have no problem going off on an employee or manager until I get waht I want.

yea i can only imagine walking into a best buy looking for a tv and saying what is the secret price of that tv, they will look at u like u have 3 eyes

i wouldnt doubt it, wouldnt take much at all to set up either

high tech bait / switch … and we all know that the most important thing is getting people in the door, after that a good salesman can sell you anything he wants

BS, not me . I dont take shit from sales people. Im the buyer, I have all the power not them. Well thats how I approach it anyway.

^^^ but theres ALOT of weak people out there

a salespersons worst enemy is an informed customer that wants what he wants, and has a price limit

a salespersons best friend is someone with no real idea what he wants, and money to burn

True dat


a real sales person can convince anyone! to buy what they feel is right…regardless if it is on discount or not…that is why they are SALESMEN!!!

Like I said BS, you cant make me buy anything I dont want to buy. If i go to the store and waste my time talking to a salesperson its because im talking him down to the very lowest price for what I want to buy, if I know I can get it cheaper some where else then see ya later.

It shows cost, employee discount and retail.

< Former employee.

no such thing at best buy


you could avoid all this shit if you can’t find it at the store and

Buy it someplace else. this place may even be on the internet

like you need to really buy any electronics exclusively from best buy in 2007 anyways. get it somewhere else if they don’t have it.

Bullshit. You’re confusing a retail sales with a real sales professional. A REAL salesperson identifies a need, proposes a solution, and creates a value to the customer equal to or greater than the price of that product. Someone who convinces a customer to buy what makes him the most commission is not a salesman, they are a lizard.

I’ll take guys like you every day over someone who doesn’t know what they want. Believe it or not, guys like you are the easiest sale. You think you’re a tough negotiator, but the salesman will make you agree that something is the right product, fight you on price for 20 to 25 minutes, then give you a bone. You go home thinking you got the best of him, but as long as you have his product in your trunk, he could give a shit if he sold it for a discount off of list price.

:word: well said, and very true.

fucking word up

yes and about the good sales person thing, normaly if ppl come in there, they are looking to buy if not i have no intent to waste my time with them but maybe thats why i dont work there lol

a lot of ppl commented on that website as it being fraud. i bet best buy will pass it off as an in house database like mpd said. and apparently they dont price match with online? but u can purchase online and pick up at any store. seems like they need to work on their policies maybe? or maybe they assume that ppl will try and talk them down on price, which u cant do online.

werd my parents got a really nice tv at a great discount. they were happy with the sale, and im sure the store was happy to move the product, so it worked out for everyone.

they price match there site and i could rant on this store but i will refrain

if that happened, just order it online and schedule a store pickup… I don’t see how that would be hard at all?