just started drinking red eye’s at sbucks
new favourite
just started drinking red eye’s at sbucks
new favourite
Just had a triple-shot Americano…fucking wired
i had this after lunch on monday:
what you know about wired?
it was also fun to ask some of the women in the office if they wanted a shocker. most said yes.
Seems like a lot of people go nutso over Tim’s around here.
Personally, in terms of taste, I’d rank my go-to quick-stop cup o’ joe slingers as follows:
Convienience is the other factor for me.
lol @ Bing. Triple shot espresso drinks are no joke though…I think I’m a caffeine addict. Starbucks is good…I wish, for ethic’s sake, that starbucks was fair trade certified.
try a red eye, its the bold coffee, only they add in some shots of espresso.
i can drink a lot of coffee and not get the shakes, but after 2 of those im bouncing.
not that this is a competition, but a triple shot espresso drink has more caffeine. A red-eye is one coffee (equal to one espresso shot) plus one shot of espresso. If you drank 2 though, that’s beefy
An Americano is Espresso + hot water. I usually add some milk to it.
i get extra shots because i dated a barista
and when you say tripple shot, are you taking that straight? because your a tank if thats what your doing
so you get a red-eye plus and extra shot? that’s like crack in a cup dude
I get it in an americano, basically watered down to make it the size of a large cup of coffee.
Caz coffee abbott road, across from the church for lease behing reddington funeral home. great stuff, and fair trade certified.
Fair Trade’s a crock of shit. Just a label without much regulatoin behind it since most coffee is grown in third world countries where laws are really more of guidelines. About the best shot at getting environmentally friendly coffee is to get SMBC certified beans. Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center. The odds are pretty good that the coffee will actually be shade grown.
+1 to wilson farms. Forgot bout that. Their Kona coffee is a good brew.
so at nice business lunch yesterday i had a drink i occassionally have. A can of Red bull with a large glass of coke and ice 3/4 full… mix the red bull in at the table… go to town.
at the end of the lunch i got back from the bathroom and they’re asking me how i’m feeling… “F’ing AMPED!!!” is all i could say… we had a laugh.
anyways, i rip to another meeting - 40 minute drive - and need to pee fiercely but the bathrooms are on lock down. i had to ask a dude for the password, he only knew it for the other building, so off i went.
i swear to god… i got into the bathroom after using the code, holding my laptop bag, trying to have a cell conversation and take a pee at the same time… when that pee came out my liver or kidneys or something decided to fuck with me HARD!!!.. i had to go sit down and drop everything, take my coat off and chill out for like 10 minutes… fuuuuuuck
no more red bull and cokes for a couple days back to espresso… shit
Fair Trade isn’t about environmentally friendly, it’s about big business abusing their buying power.
The local coffee roaster I mentioned above (Larry’s beans) makes an effort to go to each of their suppliers and visit at least one time per year and pay them fairly for the product they sell.
if i had my money back for everytime i went to a tim hortons, bought a cup of coffee, took a sip in my car, and threw it in the garbage immediately…
its so bad sometimes, but other times its really pretty decent for how cheap it is
anyway, i have a kureg for home coffee, so i mainly drink that