Best cruising music?

When your in your beater, emo.
When you have no boost (like me), emo.
When your car’s in the shop, emo.
When your car’s wood, emo.

Sorry, I couldn’t help it…

I like to listen to rock/alternative and classic rock. I’ve added a few new bands to my rotation however I fail to distinguise between screaming bands and emo. Seriously, is Alexisonfire emo?

  1. Soca/reggae/dancehall
    ex. Machel Montano, Sean Paul, Bob marley…
    …mostly reggae…but no Sean paul…

  2. RnB/rap
    ex. Jayz, Kardy, Mariah…etc
    …if i am feeling gangster…

  3. House/dance/techno
    ex. Engelina, Paul Van Dyke, Paul Oakenfold…etc
    …if i am falling asleep on the wheel…

  4. Latin/reggaeton
    ex. Daddy yankee, Pitbull…
    …sooooooo last year…

  5. Hip Pop/country
    ex. Shania Twain, J Lo, …etc.
    …hell no…

  6. Soft music? (dont know the category)

thats how it goes down for me…

ditto, x3.

i used to just listen to my engine. cause my stock speakers are shit. then i installed a 1200w kaption sub amp and surround. so i dont hear my engine offten any more. makes the noise from my wheel bearing and my timing chain go away. although i do have to use ear plugs most of the time as for what type of music… anything with good bass now!!!