Best driving road in WNY?

The trouble with WNY isnt the economy or the politicians, its that there’s no good driving roads! Where are the hills and the bridges, the tunnels and the turns?

I need to find a nice open road with plenty of hills, VERY few, or no red lights. Free of police forces and traffic. That sort of thing. I haven’t though of this until now, so I havent gone looking yet. So if I can’t find a good road, i hope to at least get some ideas.

Maybe something in East Aurora? Maybe something down 20A or 78? Lockport? Probably not… So how about some suggestions? I’ll report back after a hopefully long cruise within the next few days.

i have a hell of a time out in cat. county near east otto at my buddies land


because there are some spying eyes on here.

BUT. 240 from west falls to springville is a nice scenic road. as well as springville/boston rd (391) from boston to springville.

There aren’t any mountains around here…


Legal Race track FTW…You can’t push your car hard enough on the streets.

its not so much about pushing it, i just want to get closer to its limits than i get making a left from Sheridan onto Millersport.

and something a little scenic would definitely help, too. theres a nice little bit in West seneca here, on Leydecker. its got a nice downhill, a good long scenic bridge, and a few nice twisties. the only problem is that its so darn short! nice little 10 seconds or so though… anyone have a bit like this?

a pinpoint on google maps could help too… maybe i can make a map with all the different spots pinpointed on it, even if just for my own reference.


my road is pretty sweet, a few members can vouch for it, but im not posting it as ill have asshats crashing and shit.

just go looking, thats how iv discovered some of my favorite ones.

Hills huh?

Because you need a running downhill start?
Because you like to risk your life as well as those of oncoming traffic when you CANNOT SEE what is coming over the hill at you?

There are A LOT OF CHEAP & LEGAL track days lined up.

Try to not become a statistic.