So we aren’t allowed to follow people that look suspicious to be able to give authorities an accurate location? Who’s to say he wasn’t acting suspsicious?? Who says he wasn’t looking in the windows of parked cars, or similar? And who’s to say that Zimmerman didn’t turn around and walk away at the dispatchers request and then get attacked from behind?
The point is that nobody knows the true details of what happened and nobody will. But the witness accounts coincide with Zimmerman’s account of what happened… and so do his injuries. So regardless of what happened originally, Martin shouldn’t have attacked him and shouldn’t have been bashing his head into the concrete over and over again (again, nobody knows for sure… but the evidence points to at least this much).
If I were on the ground with my head being repeatedly smashed against the ground and nobody was helping… I think I would take that as my life being in danger and I would take whatever actions necessary to protect myself.
And Martin wasn’t this perfect little angel the media made him out to be in the beginning… he displayed all of the characteristics of your everyday thug…
Just my .02