Best internet in Oakland?

So Im trying to set up utilities but Im not sure what to do internet wise with so many choices. I dont really want to spend more than $50/month for internet and I dont really need cable so a package deal isnt really of any interest. What do you guys suggest? Oh and it would just me me using it and the onyl things I do online are web browse and occasionally play PS3 online, no downloading or streaming really.

does pitt offer anything? i know they used to have the dial up service we could call into. not sure if they have anything for dsl/broadband there now.

lol @ dial up

i know that was all we had at time lol. wasn’t sure if pitt offered some kind of sharing with dsl?

The free kinds. There are tons of college students in Oakland, I’m sure you can jack someone’s unsecured wireless.

you’re fucked… comcast sucks ass and if verizon is there, it’s $50 minimum