Best laptop under $600?

Fully agree with you Wayne. I was an asset to that company, however, I refused to rip people off for reloading their operating system.

$100 warranty on a $600 computer is horse shit.

Fuck that, I’ll rip soemone off for reloading their OS. I hate doing that shit. LOLOL

yea definitely.

but $200 in house warranty on a $1700+ laptop is worth its weight in gold.

How so?

Lets sayt the computer is 2 months passed the 1 year standard warranty.

Lets say Its an I3/4GB ram and windows 7. you can find those around the ~600 mark

The motherboard took a shit…

I’d say that warranty was a good idea?

you either get your shit fixed thats still a great computer for the average user, or your out 600 bucks because you dident buy the extended warranty and need to either replace it or spend ~300-400 at most computer shops

I’ve seen that scenario many many times…

I still wouldn’t buy it. But this is the “Best laptop under $600” thread… you bitch!

I bought an HP DM3 laptop from for $500. I’ve had it for about a year and I’ve never had a problem with it. It came loaded with a 720p screen, 4GB RAM, Win7 64Bit, etc.

If it’s a board failure @ 14 months then it’s one of 2 scenarios:

  1. liquid/physical damage
  2. it has an Nvidia chipset with an AMD processor

Na, but seriously. If you call them, they WILL send you a replacement board if you bitch… I’ve done it for customers.

I still say paying an additional ~17% for a warranty with many exclusions is horseshit.

I’ve had great luck with my HP g60 laptop that I got fit like $475 new. Love the built in hdmi output. I’m a little rough on laptops and have broke the ac power jack on the laptop in the 2+ years I’ve had it. First time was under warranty, broke it again a few weeks ago and have been using my iPhone to do most of my browsing

Your forgetting most people, even those who have some technical ability do not want to do this shit themselves.

I have gotten my way with dell a few times I know, but in reality. I have seen a lot of laptops go shortly after their one year is up. All brands/chipsets.

PM me if you want to get it fixed.

Marty, did you get the part yet? I am still game to fix it for you free of charge. You should come down and chill anyway…

I am not forgetting anything, we needed a good debate and now we got one going. It has run its course at this point, but the long of short is that in many situations you will never use the warranty or the repair wont be covered. Some people get lucky, they get warranties and it works out. Others… well they are the reason warranties make companies money.

Havent even ordered it yet. I never realized how little I needed my laptop for. I’ll get it sooner or later though

Sorry I only buy fucking awesome shit. And fwiw, I totally agree. On a POS $600 laptop a warranty is for pussies and idiots.


For the most part, $500-600 laptops are disposable anyways… Good for a year or 2, and that’s it… They are built to be replaced, not for a good 10 year run… If you spend double or triple that, that’s another story… Those are built to last!

Tell that to the average user who uses it for e-mail/facebook and light web surfing who doesnt have the money to drop a grand outright, nor spend 600 dollars every couple of years if their shit breaks.

The kind of people I deal with on a daily basis. Telling people their shit is dead and they need to go spend 600 dollars on a new one makes me feel like shit because theirs nothing I can do.

I’m not saying i think everyone should purchase a warranty, especially for a cheap laptop… I’ve just seen enough cases where you just wish that person spent the money for an extended warranty.

Not sure I endorse them now that Dell owns them, but I bought my Alienware laptop in '06. Just did a ram and hdd upgrade, still purrs right along. I didnt bother with any warranty or anything, but I dropped some coin in the first place. I did buy a warranty on my cd player in the car, that I got at best buy, still kick myself… I should have know it would have been fine without it, my last Kenwood lasted like 6 years. Cool story bro, I know it lol

There are decent laptops in the $600 range that can be used for more than a year… Typical user just faps and browses FB anyways.
