Best laptop under $600?

My new Lenovo Thinkpad should be here this week, they had a sick deal on their site ($550 off) then I found a coupon code for another $109 off. Pretty nicely spec’d for $950 shipped. W00t!


ahhahahaha my laptop warranty paid for itself a solid 5 times over. Stick to talking about LS motors so that people don’t actually think you drive the car in your sig.

I call my old laptop Toshitta for a reason.

Coss - :thumbup Lenovo ftw.

HP cameras blow too. Just sayin’ lol

I have a dell thats atleast ten years old as a spare internet machine, runs mint. Win2000 and 512mb ram FTW

The joke is on you… If your computer is old enough to be in the extended warranty period, it’s too fucking old to be using. Sorry bro, technology advances far too quickly to buy expensive warranties on electronics.

Warranties pay off very infrequently, theres a reason why they push them so hard IT’S BECAUSE THEY ARE RAPING YOU!

lol I’m sorry what do you do for a living again? Jokes on me. :rofl :rofl I lol’d.

Your ignorance isn’t going to change the fact that a laptop warranty is well worth the money spent. :retardclap:retardclap :thumbup:thumbup

I actually somewhat agree with wayne.

While I don’t think you need to get an extended warranty, sometimes its not a bad idea… Kinda like a condom.

There may come that one time where you wish you spent the little bit extra because 2 years down the road your motherboard shits out and you don’t want to spend ~200 on a new one for an “old” laptop.

I fail to see how this relates. If you must know, I currently repair ATM and Point of Sale computers for Stewart’s Shops Corp. Prior to this, I was a Geek Squad “Double Agent” for 3 years. I know plenty about warranty cost vs cost of expected repairs. Please don’t kid yourself.

Ignorance? Really? I’m the ignorant one because I realize that 3 year old laptops are worth about 20% of their original value. Buying a warranty on a >$1000 laptop is completely retarded no matter which way you slice it. If you paid $2000, and the warranty is $100… be my guest. But otherwise, your $1000 computer can be replaced by something faster for $400 in 2 years so why bother?

Most common failure = hard drive = cheapest part

On the subject, Wayne, what do you do for a living that qualifies you to be an expert on warranties?

I’ve been in IT for the past 10 years brah. Laptop warranties are worth it. Not talking about desktops or other shit. Laptop warranties are worth it.

^ Agree with Wayne 100%. One LCD screen goes bad and its like a $200-$400 repair. Same goes with mobo.

Since I feel like 1 upping, I’ve been in IT for 11 years.

Dell Vostro 1500 is still my beater, had it since they came out. Paid about $550 shipped for the bitch with an Nvidia 8600M GT. Power cord, and wireless card are the only things I replaced for problems. I replaced the processor, memory and LCD screen because I felt like upgrading.

FUCK WARRANTIES. I sold them shitz to unknowning old people and I felt like shit for doing it. I used to bullshit “problems” for them so they could get upgrades and replacements (after much fighting).

LCD goes bad, I get a new one for $42 shipped and install it. If the motherboard goes bad, well, it’s probably an HP with an AMD processor and an nvidia chipset.

We’re talking about the average consumer, not Captain America the PC technician.


Spending the extra 100 bucks for an extended warranty is well worth it for the average smchoe.

PIECE OF SHIT BEST BUY WARRANTIES on the other hand are garbage. Were talking extended warranties from the Manufacture themselves, those are well worth it

99% of consumers aren’t going to look for a part #, hit up ebay, order the unit them selves and install a LCD/Mobo.

My dad can’t even figure out how to print.

Having worked retail consumer electronics for 7 years, warranties from the retailer are robbery, I would actually feel guilty after selling them. They are pushed so hard to the sales associates for a reason - the profit margin is like 90+%. The warranties don’t even cover most common things that go wrong. Now a manufacturer warranty is different.

yea anything at best buy is joke. INCLUDING the fucking WEAK SQUAD!!!
