Best Personal Times at AJ's Grand Prix.

24.000 for me
I’m 170lbs. I was just kinda messing around in traffic, so I didn’t get a lot of open track to try for good times, plus my cart sucked.

I did knock off .5 seconds off my best time though.

It was friggen cold today, especally when they opened the vents and turned the fans on

2 session and both times stuck with people running 30s. I lapped one girl 4 times. It doesn’t help with getting below 24, though.

whos goin tonight? im thinking of heading out to get a couple races in.

24.118 today, it is possible for us big guys to get low 24’s and 23’s. Just takes the right line, and the right kart. I still haven’t been in the fast kart (#3 and #16) I set the 24.118 in #13 I believe, #10 isn’t bad either.

We had the first experimental race today but they goofed the start, so we have no record of who finished where. I started 9th and finished 5th…I think. The unofficial finishing order that we have is…

  1. Zoomer (Randy Zimmerman)
    4)99_civic_si (from 10th!!!) in kart 18, which is rarely used, he says it’s like lightning
    5)eMKay (me) kart #10, pretty quick kart
    9)I dunno
    10)slow ass kart (Cky89 I think)
    11)ditto (iksho89 I think)
    bottom two spots are normally fast guys in crap karts, so the kart you get makes a big difference.

Lol, Last cause I was backwards in the first turn, cause of 99civicsi’s nuts cart, they should bring that one out more often

Cart #9 23.6 was my best, and I really don’t think I put a CLEAN lap together.
On that 30 lap mini-enduro. Cart #18, if you look at the print out…cart #18 times weren’t on the sheet. I had a spin in the beginning too so you would blatently see which times were mine. I think my times were dozrs on the sheet for sure. And I’d also venture a guess that in the areas where I had no traffic, I think I ran faster that what I did in cart #9 because I think I had a lap or 2 that felt really CLEAN. No way of knowing obviously without having the time on paper. FUN place, that 30 lapper we did was awesome, would be better to make it 50 or even 100 though.

I had a feeling Andy would be quick out there. Decent driver and weighs 60lbs tops :slight_smile:

I had a lot of fun today, I hope we can all meet up and do it again soon.

Got my personal best of 23.8 today :smiley:
I figured out how to drop my times alot, I just need to get into a decent cart to put it all together.


i tried this and the girls up front werent having it. they said that was only for one day.

the records were set in 9 and 13 so you’re on the right track.

they told me and iksho89 they were set in 3 and 16 lol.

This was the first time they used the software, so, you’re wrong, it was the first.

i woke up at 2 today fuck

Shoulda come it was fun

I want a go with only a few other racers and cart #18…IMO had the best overall feel steering and speed. Cart #9 seemed to have a lot of speed (easy to keep up the R’s through the twisties so it doesn’t bog, but the ass end slid quite a bit) Cart #18 seemed to VERY easily keep the R’s up throught the twisties without bogging, and seemed to not be so ass happy. Cart #18 felt a little less forgiving when you fucked up a line compared to #9, but the overall grip seemed to be better especially at the high speed sweeper. Either way :tup: But damn, my back hurts.

I want a go with only a few other racers and cart #18…IMO had the best overall feel steering and speed. Cart #9 seemed to have a lot of speed (easy to keep up the R’s through the twisties so it doesn’t bog, but the ass end slid quite a bit) Cart #18 seemed to VERY easily keep the R’s up throught the twisties without bogging, and seemed to not be so ass happy. Cart #18 felt a little less forgiving when you fucked up a line compared to #9, but the overall grip seemed to be better especially at the high speed sweeper. Either way :tup: But damn, my back hurts.

I really wanted to. I set my alarm and everything.

go next time:fyi:

they where untill me and scott re set new records in diff # carts…