Best place for football betting?

Whats the site you guys prefer for football betting?
I just decided i wanted to get into it and was wondering what sites to use.

find a local bookie…easier to deal with and makes transactions less obvious than posting your info on the internet.

Find a legit sports book, bookies are sketchy/risky. And if you said football so I assume you did your research and are doing college football and not pro? College is where the wise guys are making a killing.

casino niagara in canada

I know a guy in Buffalo… PM me.

Yeah but with a sketchy bookie you don’t need any money up front. With Casino Niagara you need the $$ to place a bet. :scott:

Only people who can’t afford to bet use a bookie IMO. If you are going to bet have the expendable $$ on hand. People who use a bookie and don’t have the coin get themselves in trouble.

i was just thinking about this today. if anyone is/knows a legit bookie around let me know. how does the casino work? is there a minimum? do they do all the other incidental type stuff like over/under on yards and who scores the first td and all that stuff? i used to do one online that did all that stuff and it was a riot. it is the old one with the sports book right? not falls view?

Just stick with online. It may be “illegal” for now but bodog isn’t life-threatening when you lose.

i would rather not do it online. i have had really bad luck with that. someone got a hold of my account and it took me like 5 weeks to get the money back. can i use like a prepaid mastercard for that? or does it have to be a bank acct?

I have used online and a bookie. Both have there pros and cons. What I really like about online is that you can bet 5 bucks on a game if you want. Bookies are usually a 50 dollar minimum

yes the old one… but idk if falls view does it or not

holy hell. just looked into doing a couple of the online ones. you basically have to fax over everything but your social security card. no thanks.

do you have to do that for betus too? how is the withdrawl process? quick?

Move to vegas, seriously…

It was pretty easy to sign up for them.I put down a couple bets.I hope it turns out good.I got NO Over 28 1/2 and i picked SF to beat vikings

BetUS was pretty easy and took a deposit pretty solid. I will be cashing out in a few days and will see how hard it is.

i’ve bet on,, and mostly on & never had any account issues or cashout problems from any of them.

you can also bet for “free” on sites like: (currently having issues though it looks like)