best place to get your motorcycle licence

I just took it last year. They defiantly did NOT pass everyone with my group. They asked 3 people to leave before they even got to the evaluation

Not everyone passed in my group. The figure 8 isn’t weighted heavily.

It’s the best way to go, you also get some money off your insurance for taking the class.
But honestly the whole damn thing was TOO EASY IMO.

The one reason I don’t like the MSF course at HVCC…you can a license without EVER riding on the street in traffic. Learning to ride in a parking lot is one thing, earning a license and never once riding on an actual road is another.

So back to my original question to the people who got one through a road test where did you go and how much of a hassle was it?

took mine in schenectady 13 years ago, in the pouring rain… no issues.

also took the MSF course later in the same year, was a blast… and AGAIN took the test in the pouring rain :stuck_out_tongue:

on brower street? thats where mine is supposed to be… what did they make u do? circles, figure 8s, what else?

schoharie dmv moved to warnerville rite next to lancaster. they do the testing in cobleskill. that test is a piece of cake out here.

You start at Brower St, take a right, go straight at the light and take a left onto some street (don’t remember the name) and on that side street they stop you and you do two left circles, two right circles and two figure eights. I actually took the test their my first time and failed before I took it in Ballston Spa. Apparently my circles weren’t perfect and I put my foot down once on a right circle. My own fault though I took the test on a friends bike that I had NEVER ridden before so I wasn’t familiar with how the bike turned.

i took my test in schoharie. that was about 15 years ago. was cake. was the driver in car with instructor for my buddy and brother last year one after another lol. u can scheduel the test online. that way you don’t even have to go to warnerville just meet in coby for the road test. if it don’t say where in coby to meet for test and you are gonna persue your test out here let me know and i’ll get you the imfo on where the exact location of test starts. i go to coby 6 out of 7 days my ol lady works at dunkin donuts.

sunshine drive at the fair ground entrance.

I’m def going to coby

i’d say that would be easiest place around.

Look man, Most people taking the MSF have zero experience like me. I was doing track days in July from having zero experience on a bike doing MSF in March. It is an acquired skill, and not everyone is born a MotoGP racer. MSF definitely worked for me, and it helps since when I took it I don’t even have a bike.

I also dropped my bike during the MSF, but in my defense that was the second time ever even touched a motorcycle. It was during the emergency stop drill. After that the coach told me I need to slow down and I am not suppose to pass people during the weaving drill…:rofl

Yeah, the MSF is definitely great for those who’ve never been on a bike before. However, I do feel they tend to pass people a bit too leniently. I mean, this is to get their license to ride on the street.

When I took the MSF course a couple years ago, one older gentleman toppled over, because when he braked, he just never put his feet down. It was a bit concerning, however, he did improve the 2nd day.

One of the girls decided it best to ride a scooter. She accidentally twisted the throttle on numerous occassions throughout the 2 days of riding, falling over once and running into 2 people; on the 2nd day, ran into me while we were waiting in the line. I was honestly always nervous when she was behind me.

They did both pass, and while I think the gentleman did improve enough to pass, the girl definitely wasn’t ready to be licensed for the street.

Overall, my experience with the MSF course was very positive. Even though I rode for a season prior to taking it, it was still great because my biggest flaw (still today) is slow speed maneuvers. It taught me a lot, and the coaches were great to talk to on a more advanced level rather than just beginner stuff. A pair of them even asked if I’d be interested in becoming a coach, though, I’m definitely not on their level of riding to even consider it, however, it is something I’ll definitely think about it in the future.

I thankfully got the Ninja 250, and ripping that thing around the parking lot was a blast and was definitely an experience I looked back on when I bought my 300. I’d always recommend the MSF Course to anyone and everyone, even if you think you know it all, there is something to be learned.

The ninja 250 is the only option you should be interested in when you take that course lol. It makes the figure 8 a little harder but it is so much fun to blast around on that thing. When they did the oval The guy had me start in front but I was going to fast I caught up to everyone, then he told me not to pass. :rofl

im starting to see why alot of people took the course lol… ive been riding my entire life, but im sure 100% of my riding isnt perfectly ideal for instructors… when you make turns, if theres no traffic is it ok if you just turn or do they want u to do some gay shit like stop completely, put blinker on, make sure no traffic is coming and then turn?

just follow he laws. stop at stop signs, use signals, etc…

There is a big difference between you and the average person who takes the MSF.

The test, whether it be the 4 day or 2 day course is a opener to the world of motorcycles. Most people who take it I say ether

30% pass and never ride again for fear of the bike
30% become straight line squids who think they are fast
10% ride once in a blue moon and often just use the bike as a way to try and meet girls… Yes I know guys like this.
5% are lame people who ride and do absolute nothing but join boring clubs on
5% pass think they are fast ride the streets like bats out of hell and ether die in a crash, or crash and become cripple. blame the bike & tell friends never to get a motorcycle.

10% Guys like us who actually desire to learn he art of motorcycles, understand to respect the machine and wear gear even if it’s too hot outside. Take great interest in books, videos, how bikes are made, tracks, you have even gone to keth codes school! I’ve been dying to go there since I got my bike!:cry:

Personally I can barley stand riding street anymore.:banghead there is only so much you can learn before you need that next level. So I wouldn’t lump you in with most people who take the MSF course you have a passion for motorcycles I rarely see.

Every crash Ive been in on a bike that I could walk away from I enjoyed and analyze too death what I did wrong so i could avoid it next time.:lol

Ironic, my instructor told me I was going to slow throw the turning part of the test. So I said to him, well I thought you wanted me to go slow. So he says “No go as fast as you can.” Long as you say it’s ok was my reply.

I flicked that 250 through the corner with such a snap stopped the bike at the instructor and his reply was “That was the single best turn I have ever witnessed with my own two eyes personally. If you didn’t have that front end wobble I’d say it was perfect.

Soon as I sat with everyone in my class they told me I was low enough sparks were shooting off from under the bike. Damn thing was so old i’m sure it was just a stray part dragging along. Earned the name Dare Devil… Still stuck out with the cute chick in my class.:Idiots I fucking had sparks man that should have counted for something.

I know, I know

I’ve always felt it was too fucking easy for people to pass & I was in the class. I was watching twist of the wrist 2, reading the book, checking out riding techniques, entry apex exit. Ect… And none of it was in the MSF:lol
Over all it was worth checking out IMO.

Yes, you have to use a blinker when yo pull over before the tell yo to start circles and use it again when you pull away from the curb to start circles but thats it. They tell you to watch for traffic even though they will block it for you if you already started your circles.