Preview of what’s in the link…


that is my dream, one of these days i will have a sick garage


could have chose a better game than Cruisin USA…like 2 of Bretts SPARCO seats with wheels and pedals hooked up to PS2 or XBOX

… Yeah, Im sure he had it planned well before PS2 or xbox were on shelves.

Powered by FD Jonezzzzzzzzz?

I would want at least 12" ceilings and a 2 post lift, and a heated floor

Yea… the storage lift is kinda weak, I understand for storage, but if this garage is going to see any kind of use, why wouldnt you have a 2 post?

thats pretty sweet, i wouldn’t need a set of jack stands and a creeper to change the oil in the fd with those sweet lifts.

12" ceiling would be really low…

:lol: didn’t u know, thats how i’ve been makin some extra money now

yea that setup is really nice, i’d love to have that someday!

I don’t like the lifts the raise the car on the tires… It’s pretty stupid if you ask me as most the common work is going to be brakes and rotating tires.

It seems to be the case, most of the time…as well as this time, that those lifts are used for storage. IE- One car on top of the other.

I have talked to this guy, the lift isn’t just for work, more for placing one car above another. let me see if i can dig up the thread that he posted on autopia

12’ wise ass

Well it is obviously for storage, thats my point. I was just stating that if he is actually looking to use the garage for any work, I am surprised he doesnt have a 2post in another bay.

wouldnt a 2 post lift be just as effective and safe for storage? you can just set it down on the locks

Is a guy that owns those vehicles really doing his own work requiring a 2 post lift? I doubt it.

edit: No shots of actual work being done, and he seems to not own a car long enough to do anything to it. He sold both Porsches along with about 7 other cars since having the garage.

thats a 4 post lift

I dont know about that one he has, but the one at my friends shop had a thing where you could raise the front/back of the car about 6-8", with it on the lift so you could do various things with the wheels off :tup:

I want a lift… it would make so much shit easier… I’d never bring my car anywhere ever again to get work done lol