Best reason to use Firefox EVER!

the ability to block out the annoying signatures and leave the good ones!

How do I go about doing that with my Firefox?

Adblock extension

link to extension?

8========= )

my firefox must be inadequate because it has no such feature

you must have the christian version of firefox. Perfect from inception and with no evolution.

Tools–>Extensions–>Get more extensions–>#4. Adblock

mmmmmmm, Gmail notifier! goes to download

I don’t really like firefox, but I may use it just to block boosteditr41’s stupid ass sig. thanks darkstar :bigthumb:

You can do that too w/ Avant browser. :smiley:


its a pain in the ass. every time you close your window and reopen it you have to login in again.

Firefox + adblock = teh win, definitely. I’ve been using it for like a year now and don’t know how I got along without it, seriously.


this is nothing new… i’m going to go on a limb and say any browser is capible of this with a snap in…

for example.

i know its not new. I was just looking for a reason to make a thread that would piss off sam.

haha… werd

nice feature for sure

IE can’t do it… :kekegay: (not that I’ve seen)


i’m using maxthon which is IE.

it can do it with snaps.

wtf is maxthon? is it better than firefox?

ill stick with forefox ad blocker because DS showed us the link.

and wtf is a snap i havent used IE in like 2 years

theres a tool around that i had at one point that let you zoom images on your browser, great for getting closer look at car pictures… and porn!!

i’m going to have to download that adblock tool, i can think of afew random avatars/signatures i dont want to see :smiley: