best rice i had seen in a long ass time

Now that’s no way to spend one’s welfare check.

lo lo … lol havent heard that in awhile

reminded of one of my RC cars when I was 10


I also saw that all the time in schuylerville lol

I think a couple of mexicans own it now

well if that isn’t racist…who was it on here that was on a racism kick for a while???mk430arrrr…wasnt it sumthing about an middle eastern background…(slight sarcasm used)

wtf has everyone seen this car? :lol

I haven’t… in person

what is racist about that?

riceeee prolly got that big turbz kiddd

There was nothing racist about what he said. Just because someone might’ve warned you about something racist doesn’t mean you should go around calling out people on bullshit racism cases.


mexicans…what if they are honduran??..or guatamalan?..or puerto rican?? say mexican b/c they speak spanish…

i didn’t get warned about shit!!!..and its not a b/s case…ask anyone whose ever worked with/around spanish speaking folk…if you EVER call a honduran, a mexican he will probably kick your ass…

and you call white people white, even though they may be scottish, irish, etc

next time I’ll make sure to stop, get out, and ask what nationality they are so I can correctly speak about it on an internet forum

i got called a mexican by some *** at the mall the other day… i turned around and litterally flipped SHIT… im also not even close to being mexican


Wait your not a spic?

:facepalm no im irish and german


GOOGLE Image search MEXI-POKE. LOL its all VW’s hahaha





Not Mexican

But, har har har,

they call it mexi poke



must be racist

youre a moron.

neg rep

+1, just bc I don’t understand what he’s saying