Best state to move to?

lmao. if you were brought up to think money has value to you it will have vallue.

money is only worth the piece of paper its printed on. or if you thnk its worth 100 its worth 100.

to a person like me its a piece of paper. i think things you need everyday are more valuable. like most natural people.

you might be able to trade money for it now but soon it wil lbe hard to find and people will not want your money just like ammo and guns

right now you can pay for your mortage with $$$$ but i hope you can buy food and water and ammo with $$$ soon.

i dont think you will be able to find those for $$$$ in future. everyday your dollar is worth less while my things are worth more. eventually it will be worthless.

i can sound like many things to you i guess. your entitled to your opnion. i do not agree with you tho. you will remember me when they take your guns or they take your food. or they devalue your dollar so much you have to pay your enitre yearts pay for your mortage. i will already be many steps ahead of you ensuring my survival and well being. meanwhile you will be sitting next to a pile of cash with nothing to buy.

then you will see money only has a value to those who think its of value. to humans money is not important. food, air, water living is important. they shouldnt have a price.