Best way to get people to stop talking to you?

Mother fucking LO FUCKING L!!! This girl needs to marry me.

showed this to focusinprogress the other day.

idhitit :idhitit:

lol and she’s from rochester too.

Before you commit, watch this one.

already have, watched most of hers actually, and by the end of it, she looks like a hooker which works for me. lol

Word, I’d still hit it, just figured you should know what you were getting yourself into for the morning after.

she is spunky! I like!

at first I thought she was barely 18. Turns out she is only 3 months younger than me. weird.

just sayin’

I’d plow it into next week.

i would boldly go where many have before.

i’d ruin that for like 32 seconds

2 minutes but you would only need 2 minutes because I am so intense. Then you say you want more, well I don’t blame you but I am getting sleepy.

Holy…what have I stumbled upon?!

2 minutes in heaven is better that 1 minute in heaven.

There has to be something fundamentally flawed about her.

She probably has a 6th toe, whogivesashit.jpeg lol

Back in HS I worked in the water park at Darien Lake. I saw a little black kid with a sixth toe. counted it three times to be sure.


She should be a MUA. She is hideous without it on, she works wonders. lol

Incredibly annoying.

Amen brother.