through torrents? I just got it
Love this show.
wow, yes that was a great episode… emmy worthy or better.
it strikes me as interesting that as stand alone characters in a new show without the BB connection the lawyer (Saul or James) and Mike are not compelling and probably wouldnt attract much of an audience.
but since we know these guys so well from multiple seasons of BB and since we know their future the story becomes enormously interesting. getting the back story on mike and how well it was done was really really great TV.
I love how this show bounces in between story lines and never skips a beat. One week it’s all about Mike and then it’s all about Chuck/Jimmy. You gotta love seeing Chuck back at it again, especially now that he went outside without any issues…
I have a feeling he’s going to go back to his ways after that incident, and it’s going to cause Saul that case.
I think Chuck is going to step up but then his firm takes all the case winnings because Chuck works for them
This show has been fantastic. Very reminiscent of how the first season of Breaking Bad was. Just pulled you in. I encourage all to at least check it out, regardless of watching Breaking Bad or not first.
I was pretty doped up on cold medicine last night, so I’ll have to rewatch the episode, but it was a good ending I thought. I guess I expected a little more, but it did open the story up for the next season. It was cool to see Jimmy humbled in many ways, but at the same time, see a new opportunity arise for him. I’m hooked for next season :tup:
Anyone else see the blue evo driven by the assistant from HHM
Probably all the people that watched the episode.
lol, I i saw it. Yeah I felt the season ending could of had a cliff hanger, but oh well, so far so good!
i thought the season finale was pretty lack luster… amazing how much better a couple of the episodes were than others. season peaked early.
Mondays are teh suck now. Need Season 2.