better pictures how to

There are a ton of people who take awesome pictures on here.
I’m always working on build threads / selling something, and I take average pictures.

without buying another camera (i have a casio exlim 7.2 and photoshop 7 (unless someone has a new photoshop hookup for me)

I dont want to upgrade cameras yett, I’m not into any other photography than cars for the most part.

Any tips? good how tos? good things to read?

I was probabaly 200 feet from this but heres an example
(i use the snapshot feature mostly, most of the best shot settings suck)

Help, my pictures suck

I’m not a photo guy, but usually if I put a border on the pic and adjust the brightness and contrast a bit, they look a lil better…

This is a 15 pixel border added
+20 contrast, -20 brightness
-6 Hue, +9 saturation

If you just want to stick to basic stuff, do exactly what newman just did. It doesn’t take much to make pictures pop a bit more. Also knowing how to use photoshops sharpening filter efficiently is worth while.

that, and check out

how do I make the border? isn’t there a way you can get a photoshop action or wahtever

Adjust the canvas size to be slightly bigger than the image size. I can’t remember what drop down menu it is right now.

Image>resize>canvas size

check the relative box, then enter the same number into height and width

Whatever color your Backdrop color is is the color that it will be, can always use the paint bucket too.

good thread. ps hookup? I downloaded gimp and it blows.

is that border a ps trick?

yeah, it’s a ps “trick” (not tricky at all)

I’m pretty sure some uploading sites have border options and whatnot, not 100% though.

OT I also need a PS hookup. I havent been able to log on to demonoid this past week due to maintence. Im guessing they would have it with a key. On the other hand, I am very, very happy with my out of the box D40. pics are unreal. I know your not looking to purchase another camera tho.

I did the border on my sig with mspaint lol.

404 sig not found

thanks newman, Im still using photoshop 7, I could reallllly use a newer version.

Thanks for the other replys aswell I forgot about this thread until just now.

I am using paint. I could reaLLLLLy use something else

ive got a CS4 hook up.
sitting on a jumpdrive and my external as we speak.
pm me if you want to arrange an install.

ugh I really need to get with the times. it saddens me how little I know about computers and the interwebs. how is cs4 different than ps?

since we are on the subject of file sharing, I would REALLY super appreciate some form of autocad or solid works. I havent been able to use autocad since hs cad in 03-04 and I miss it dearly. lol, at the time I was super into 240sx’s and I ‘drew’ a 240 hatch in 3d. I wish I had the file still.

CS4 is short for Adobe Creative Suite 4
photoshop is part of the creative suite 4.
i dont have the full creative suite, just photoshop from it.

I googled cs4 and knew what it stood for. I just didnt know ps was apart of it. cmon, have some patience.

but I now have ps7, thanks karter

alright. I am messing with that picture of the jeep. and I cant get the guy standing there to fade out in order to make the jeep ‘pop’ on its own. I tried using the magnetic lasso to give him his own layer to lower the brightness and contrast on just that layer, but I cant get the lasso to snap close enough for it to look good.

here is some messing with contrast, brightness, hue, and saturation.

all I can say is wow to pshop.


after a few mins:

and again:

now if I can only learn how to take pictures…

yeah i need better camera setting and point and shoot tips