BF:Bad Company Vs. COD4

BOO I want to play.

thought u were coming over with rob?

if u are bring moolooooooah

I am coming over with Orb, but I honestly have $0 unless I borrow from Rob. I will however drop Moolah off on Friday during lunch.

wtf u cheap bastard.

Moolah or DVDs your choice (assuming i get them by then)



got mine a little while ago from my lil muffin kevin.

ill prob jump on tonight and see how it is

rob will not be playing tonight though… he has his bat mitzvah tonight or something

Don’t bother playing with Rob, Aaron. He’ll ditch you to play with guys he’s never met IRL.

I know, he did it to me last night :tdown:

adam, everything worked ok i take it then

good to hear since i burned yours at 8x for the first time ever lol

Haha I think Rob might have got that one! :slight_smile:

why robs didnt work?

he should let me know then, cause it was a test since you guys were coming over so soon.

lol…silly rob

adam…ill prob jump on tonight if you care to join.

and thanks for the cute wave yesterday :wink:

anyone want to share their codes for the free guns?

i downloaded the demo yesterday and and i like it a lot better than COD4. i am going to pick it up for sure one of these days

How is the single player? I just wrapped up GTAIV and my pick this up, the commercials make it seem good.

not bad, almost a dirty dozen type story but a bit more on the comedic side. Dialogue is pretty good.