Been a crazy few days just catching up on it all
wow those billboards are fire.
I think I posted this one before but it’s too good…
^ I thought that one had to be a photoshop, but this dude is legitimately running on this platform in Florida.
who are the baseball players?
I did no see anything about grad students debt being included…
Gotta keep that money printer busy…
I’d like to see NYS pay me back for my masters that I needed to get in order to keep my job. $30k for no fucking reason at all, such a pathetic waste of time.
Teaching IS the reward silly goose.
“It’s not about the income, it’s about the outcome” - every fucking agreeable woman working in this “profession”
lol thats awesome
redacted affidavit:
For the FBI to have this power is insane, they literally had nothing on Trump and are searching for some bs minor thing to get him on. Let’s keep in mind Hill dog literally had classified doc on a server and she can’t de-classify anything. Also that those documents came up on Anthony wieners computer and no one cares. Trump could have literally said out loud, these aren’t classified and poof he good.
Bump lol