Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

jay you’re falling victim to exactly the divisive games they are playing on you. with that post your antagonizing an ally that is clearly on your side. you’re in the wrong and getting ‘wronger’. you gots’ta chill.

each of the votes that should have gone red were well within a margin of error easily attributed to the fraud we all know is happening. fraud is a material constant in all media, all public health and in the legal system. we’ve seen this clear as day over the last 2.5 years. no one should be saying with a straight face or with any sincerity that these systems have any integrity at this point.

The reason why people do not address it is because we don’t really know how to. it’s hard. so we overlook it on purpose… we shouldnt. true the vote.

Agree to disagree.

DeSantis 2024

Looks like Lee actually won Erie County, per the NY Times. She didn’t even win her hometown vote…


I’m with you on this one. Trump is terrible. He has the intellect of a 7th grader. The republican messiah Trump was a democrat, 10 years ago. He flips and flops to whatever benefits him. If he had any semblance of ability to lead, he would have catapulted COVID into a second term and stop whining about the election. I’m not sure how you can watch him talk and think “this is my guy”.

If you showed up to work on your first day and he was your boss, you’d quit.

He isn’t tearing down the establishment, he is the establishment. He’s a cry baby and the people he surrounds himself are morons and grifters. Dr. Oz? Walker? Boebert? Mike Lindell? C’mon.

The GOP needs to dump Trump or the only civil war is going to be within their own party.

Stop with nonsense and let’s go, get serious. It’s a gong show.

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The problem is the thought process of “you’re antagonizing and ally that is clearly on your side”.

You can still be a republican and think Trump is an idiot. They aren’t mutually exclusive. That is the issue. Start demanding the right people are put in place. Hershel Walker? C’mon. If Trump had any ability to critically think, he wouldn’t have endorsed him. Pick people, not sides.

I didn’t want Trump from day 1. He doesn’t resonate with me. Never has. He’s never held firm or steadfast policy, on anything. His ability to grift is undeniable. I was one of the “He can’t do a ton of damage, how bad can it be?” and I’m not afraid to admit that I was wrong.

The best part about admitting you were wrong, is that you get to be right.

And while I’m going, let’s actually have a policy put in place.

High Gas prices? Please Mr. Republican Representative, tell me what you’re going to do about it. Tell me the measures you put into place from 2016-2020 to keep gas prices low.

Inflation? How are you going to curb it?

All I hear is fear mongering and talking points, but no ideas or policies on how to address it. Trump doesn’t even have one. Except “tough on crime” and “law and order”- which I don’t even know what that means, especially coming from him.

Tax returns. I don’t care about them. I don’t want to see them. It changes nothing. I just want him to stick to what he said he would do, multiple times. It’s about integrity and dignity to me, but I guess that’s too much to ask for out of a politician nowadays.

“I can just think something is declassified and it is” - that is something he said. That is insane, even for the most staunch conservatives. If that is the case, I guess Biden must have “thought it was re-classified” while it was in your pool house.

Now back to your regular scheduled day! If we want any sort of accountability to the people in office that should be working for us, they need to be better. These people are not our best people.

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our best people wouldnt run or would be run off before getting through the primaries.

the system is not set up to attract the best, it is set up to attract exactly who we have… in both and all other countries.

no reasonable and competent person would run for office in this environment, which is why so few do.


I have been actively trying to avoid Memes and this thread for ~22 days.
But this POS state election got me.

I knew there were more than memes in here and had to come check it out.

I have always been on the fence with Trump. More negative feelings than positive ones, BUT the massive disrespect he was shown by our elite overlords far outweighs that.

I would love to see Desantis run, but in our state, it is irrelevant. We need someone that is Trump lite and I don’t think that is Desantis.

Until voting laws are corrected, or major cities are walled off, nothing will change.
The civil war in 1.2 years sure will be interesting.

I’ve always said this about trump. Personality, he’s an idiot. Someone should have made his Twitter so only they could see it and pretend everyone did. On the flip side tho. Trump was good at making America into a business again. Which in reality that’s what a country is. A giant business.

I’m not asking for perfection. I’m asking for someone better than MTG, Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker.

You’re only going to get what you have. You’re never going to get someone who wasn’t going to vote for them, to consider them.

“Yeah, I was on the fence about that MTG gal, but her stance on the election fraud really swung me onto her side”

Damn I want to read all this but I pooped too quickly this morning, lol.

Very interesting seeing the data come out. This kinda goes to what @jays is saying:

at least there is some balance in there :slight_smile:

i am still too new to the ‘good book’ to recall which disciples were told they would deny their savior when he needed them most. They thought they wouldnt… and then they did.

don’t :slight_smile:

That you talk like Trump is a messiah is the issue.

See the issue is that people who are so mentally invested in politics think that the solution is politics.

I am for anarchy. I want the system to collapse so we can rebuild it better. It’ll be messy but I think our form of government has had a good run. On to the next one!


conflicted on this. i cannot see how diplomacy can resolve any of this. However, pretty much everyone will lose in civil conflict. and for a long while. it also leaves us highly vulnerable to outside influences or attacks.

no idea what the right answer is. just have to be prepared for a wide variety of potentialities and know who is cool and who definitely is not.

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The more that comes out the more IMO this election was awesome.

Both sides are simultaneously pissed and happy with the results.

@JayS :grin: :heart:

Candice Owens is just another “rino” I guess. (I really wish we had a sarcasm font)

Just another “rino”. Funny, soon everyone will be a rino!