big ass bird at work

![ on porch.jpg]( on porch.jpg)

Ever had one of those pissed off and scared of you? I was working at my uncle’s office one day when one of those birds flew into the window and got hurt. We didn’t know what it was at first but when we went outside to investigate it was limping around in the grass and squawking like crazy. It was trying to chase us off I think. We eventually got it trapped in a box until the animal control arrived. His secretary has some funny pics of it chasing us. Comparing it to that smoker’s chimney thing, it looked to be about the same size.

is that by the Sunoco chemicals building? or am I just WAY off?

Looks to be an average-sized hawk. Average for a hawk that is… still a big ass bird.

looks like a falcon

You usually don’t get to see to many of those up close in the wild. Pretty big.

There are a couple turkey vultures that fly around our building in Parkway Center. I took this picture last week.

![ bird.bmp]( bird.bmp)

I was working at Foster Plaza (I think that is the name of the office park) last spring and I had 3 of those things land on the ledge outside my window and just stare at me for about 20 minutes while I was working. Kinda freaky.

sweet, i work right over the hill from you

you would be correct

isnt that a peregrine falcon? Pretty sure i remember reading pittsburgh has alot of them because they eat pidgeons.

^^ mike im pretty sure peregrines are like close to extinction

who knows. I guess i could spend 2 minutes on google and figure it out. Im pretty sure according to a magazine i read the science center mated some and we had a good bit of them flying around pittsburgh eating pidgeons. Or i could just be full of shit. Which has happened to me before :slight_smile:

Thats a Red Tailed Hawk they used to be quite numerous in the Imperial area.

No there doing pretty well now actually but still endangered

hey see that red on the tail of that hawk?

i think it might be a falcon…

Nice those things sit on top of the light poles on the parkway alot.

Sounds like you need to look like you’re working harder.