BIG cat hit by truck...

Hah. So the DEC is trying to control the deer population? That makes about as much sense as the government trying to control the financial market.


You never know what you will see, I saw these guys wandering around just the other day.

I should mention I was snowmobiling in Yellowstone National Park at the time.:slight_smile:

We used to have bears/bearcubs all the time at my parents house in Hornell. I tried to pet a cub once, I got like 3 feet away from it reached for it and it huffed at me and I shit my pants and ran away like a school girl dodging cooties.

The DEC HAS been releasing wildcats, bob cats, etc. to control the coyote population. They just deny doing it

i dont know what it was called, but there was a report in west seneca about a big cat spotted, and it was right next to my house. my car was actually parked about 15feet from it. i thought it was the neighbors dog and it just got out, because it was around a tree, and then it looked up and i was like FUCK thats not a dog lol.

i got in my car and drove away very fast like a pussy (no pun intended)

i should have taken a picture :frowning:

Heres a few pictures my mom snapped I believe this past summer. (Ignore the blur, shes not good with a DSLR and focusing)

American Bald Eagles in Hornell, bear cubs and mothers. The bears typically show up every night before dark to steal corn/sunflower seeds my mom has out for the birds.

Also my grandfather used to big game hunt and has a lot of animals he had stuffed from local and around the world (until he had a heart attack tracking a grizzly that sprung on him in Russia, surprisingly he still killed it, stands about 10ft tall, big bear for sure). Used to tell me stories about Mountain Lions/Bobcats etc in the area that frightened me as a kid lol.

REFERENCE 0:37 please.

theres one on grand island. i want it so bad.

christ that bear got away with yer moms yellow vibrator too. fuck, what a bad day.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


bobcats are native to this area. Cougers and Blackbears used to be native to this area, but were hunted out/driven off. The black bear population is exploding right now. I wouldnt be suprised if we had then regularly in the area in another 5 years. They arent far away if you think about it. They have sightings all over, hell I saw one a few years ago. They get driven away by large males and have to go somewhere.