BIG REDS wanna be Nick Cage Build thread.

the dude cause $1500 in damage, fuck letting him get away with it. Ill be contacting a lawyer

Definitely stay all over it and pursue legal action on the guy who messed up your car.

I will be I have good before/after pictures. I have receipts for everything. He completely denied the car getting wet. WTF dude? I have pictures of it.

i really cant believe how this all went down… Best of luck getting her all painted up!!

better rethink your friends. This guy is a liar.

Mind sharing why you wouldn’t?

Cant wait to see the end result of the lawsuit and the car painted…drool

Documentation and photo’s are key. Good luck with everything man.

i think to some its not worth the effort. However I do not give a FUCK. I’m going to do everything I can to make this guys life suck. He cost me a shit ton of money that I really didn’t need to spend all because he didn’t care enough about my car.

It’s be nice if he had a day by day documentation with pictures of his progress and the work he has done all the way up to the shop and public witnesses.

It would help a lot, wouldn’t it :rofl

fortunately I DO have day by day pictures of all of my work on the car. I also have whiteness, including underboosted who towed the car to and from the shop.

I was implying the progress pictures posted to the entire local enthusiast group…

word, it would be great if the shift518 community showed up to court.

In for Shift518 jury duty.

I will supply foodz for peeps that do show up lol

Hell yeah, power in numbers man.

actually, small claims trials are ususally empty, you, defendant, lawyers and judge, no onlookers. Atleast thats what it was like in my shit hole city court.

then it would end up costing you 1500 all said and done…

too bad it wasn’t 1000 or less, coulda tooken him to small claims court

I can take a $1500 claim to small claims court

hmm, always thought it was 1000 or less, then small claims court it is.

whiteness? really?