Big Rhonda continues the TNC curse.

The tnc curse rears its head. Parked the car in the driveway letting it idle to warm up walk inside for at least 30 seconds come out there is a guy trying to jimmy my window open. I was walking around my house when I saw him ran up my mini walk way next to my house grabbed my shovel and came out swinging. There was a struggle he almost took it but then i bunted him in the nose with shovel handle. He started running, my neighbour came out to pursue him. aparently the cops caught him according to my neighbour, but because he didnt actually steal anything he just a ticket for tresspassing. He even left the coat hanger he was using to try and open the lock. he screwed up the weather stripping but with a quick patch job and a lighter good as new.
Be careful. A couple more minutes and my baby would have been gone !

thats why you do it like me. i have 4 security measures in place. first thing is a very good 2way alarm. also theives cant take a car they cant “steer”, “start”, “step on the pedals”. :wink:

lol dont forget your other security features alex like yur IC pipin popping off, your transmission problem, clutch that burns out faster than popcorn after 2 drinks and oh the tak tak tak would scare them off too haha

haha you could also always pay me to stand by your car with your club lolz 3am missions for the win lolz

wow i would have hit him with the shovel more then once! I would have practiced my swing on him or something until the cops came!

NICE man…I’d brake his head off …if i could LOL

never popped off since mike(spd-dmn) told me a fix for it 1 month ago, transmission is fine for its age(4th gear grinds), clutch hasnt burned since i swapped it(os giken triple plate FTMFW!) and last time i checked my engine sound as healthy as always.

It actually does!

^uhhmmm? it actually does…?

You’re lucky he didn’t steel it but you’re even luckier you didn’t hit him.
Unfortunately the law is on his side if you injure him. Stupid law, he can sue you AND HE WILL once he talks to the lawyer. Now if he were hurting you and you have proof of your injuries (doctor report), you can claim you were defending yourself. In this case it was property damage and not personal injury. Though they both fall under the name CIVIL INJURY, they are handled in two separate manners.
For your safety both personally and legally, you should never pursue a criminal. Though I don’t have trust in the police, you should leave it up to them to right the wrongs of a criminal.

hahaha so true. We haven’t even been drinking in a long time. Damn it I think I burn out after 1 cause I haven’t had anything serious since Angies house.

lol i can see it already

Ricerz: oh, my shovel tripped on him…i mean he tripped on my shovel


I wanted to smack his head off his shoulders but I was worried of two things.

  1. swinging at him and hitt big rhonda
  2. getting blood on big rhonda.

yeah it is unfortunatly…

the best security system: move out of the ghetto

next time it happens, make sure the guy ends up in your freezer. no cops or lawyers to worry about :slight_smile:

lol yeah then he’s stuck with a bloody and smelly freezer, dont forget to throw the freezer into lake ontario, considering how it smells, no one will ever find it hahah

i woulda just smacked him and if they asked what happened
“i confronted him and he decided to run but tripped and fell on the shovel”

in a court of law, who is a lawyer going to believe, a criminal or a victim?

and i’m pretty sure the cops would have been on your side
one time my friend beat the crap out of some dudes that jumped my other friend, when the cops came one of the cops was checking my friends hands to see if they had any weapons, he found his big ass ring that did a shit load of damage to the other dude’s face and told him to put it in his pocket to hide it lol

lol im sure the lawyer will always believe the client who is paying him… its the judge that u need to convince

it’s alllwayss the 1st person to call the police that look the most innocent

whether they are or not…thats just the way it is…garbage…so if the “burgler” decided to call the cops and file a complaint…he would probably get away with it and you would be the one looking guilty