Car break-ins.

Just giving you guys the heads up if you park ur car downtown toronto make sure u can see it.

my car was broeken into last week along wiht two other cars. both done professinally and clean. so becareful where you park.

shouldnt we always be careful?
any clue on how they got in?
as in a way to help keep focus on which areas are most vulnerable.

spend the money and get steeringwheel lock, a good pager alarm with an engine kill and bright LED on the dash (good deterant). put the senstitivity on high so just brushing up against the car sets it off. if u have a removable faceplate on ur deck, take it off whenever ur not coming rite back to ur car, avoid parking ur car in really dark area’s were there arent many ppl around. id rather park mt car 5 blocks away in a high traffic, well lit area than 1 block away in a dark shady area. another thing. be really carefull at movie theaters!!! i know about 10 ppl that have had there cars broken into while at a movie. the theives sit there and watch u go in and they know they have at least an hour and a half to work. i know a guy that had his entire interior stripped while at a movie, i mean the bastards took his steering wheel, seats, door panels, all his speakers, they cut off his muffler, took his deck, suwoofers, amp. they even poped his hood and took his intake. he came out for a smoke near the end of the movie cuz he had a weird feeling and discovered his car like that. and of course, nobody seen a thing. its a ruthless world out there. i heard of another guy that came out of a movie and got into his car and went to drive away and thought his trany was fucked cuz the car wasnt movie. he got out to pop the hood and check the trany fluid and his fukn car was sitting on cinder blocks, all 4 rims were gone. and he had those lock nuts, they used 13/16 twelve point sockets. they hammer them on and the lock nut comes right off. in the end if they know what there doing and want ur car bad enuf they will get it. but the more carefull u are and the more precautions u take will decrease ur risk of becoming a victim

Yeah along with this, get a high quality quick pop steering wheel. Take it off and put it in your trunk, if they see no steering wheel, theyll also not want to try to break in because they couldnt physically get the car to move.

that’s insane, i’de be sooooo pissed.

Get a big ass German Sheppard named “buddy” to sit on your passenger seat…

ya, hamiltons pretty fukn brutal. our crime rate is the same as toronto and we have 1/4 the population. i know personally 4 ppl in the past year that have been murdered. and 6 ppl that i was friends with in highschool are now in prison in kingston ontario. the least being 5 years. while i was at a sunday meet, i watched a guy stab someone in the throat with a pair of scissors at the hamilton beach right in front of the cops because the guy made a racial slur. he just walked up and stabbed him. the guy lived but thats crazy…right in front of the fukn cops! he put his hands up and started laughing. i cant wait to move from hamilton. i refuse to raise children here. ive had 3 differnt vehicle ive owned broken into. not to be cocky but i live in a really good neighbourhood too. my friend around the corner was up late one night and heard a weird sound coming fron outside. he went out to see what it was and some 12 yr old was breaking into his car, he yelled at him thinkin the kid would run away and another guy about twice the kids age came up behind him and put a knife to his neck and made him hand over the car keys. hamilton is fukd… forget that…the GTA is fukd, if u dont want ur car broken in to or stollen, take the fukn bus, sorry for rambling but the crime rate in the GTA is rediculously sad. the police need to seriously crack down and instead of sleepin in the cars at tim hortons and pullin over kids for havn loud mufflers they should go out and solve some fucking crimes, not hide under the bypass doin speedtraps. again sorry for the babble. i feel better now :slight_smile:

He doesn’t sound to bright. How do you miss four giant cinder block where your rims are supposed to be? I don’t care how dark it is. You can’t miss that.
I’m actually pretty convinced you’d notice that almost immediately coming within sight of your car.

not sure. like i said, i “heard” of it. i didnt know the guy personally or i would have asked him lol

I’m happy that I live in Oakville. =D

well they pried the hood hinges off not triggering my alarm then by pased my alarm and took my bov ic piping ripped my gagues off my system cut my turbo timer thinking that it was some kind of security thing took my colonge and my air freshenrs hahaha.

oh and i parked the car behind 52 divison thinking that it would be safe

They took the piping? That is pretty intense.

What the fuck? Where in Hamilton do you live, because I’ve never witnessed anything that bad. Worst thing I’ve seen are wannabe gangsters who steal sound systems and sell weed.

Ditto, I’ve had my stereo ripped off, but that’s it…

the worst i have seen is when i worked at a shop we had two of our cars broken into. civic hatch rims gone atleast the left it on jacks. and and the other car was accord clean job but u cant drive a car away with no motor and they treid… i also seen ppl break through walls at my one buddy’s shop took rims again. mmmmmm what else yeah mostly just rims off cars and wings. my buddy had his wing taken off at silver city. just goes to show u the public wont say anything. cuz they dont want to get involved…

phew, I think Vaughan’s theft rating isn’t as bad :S

but what I can I say, these guys come from anywhere to do their business, those lowless immoral pieces of shit.:@

It is why it is extremely crucial to have a indoor garage where you live…

I also agree…when parking downtown Toronto…always try to park where you can see it…if not…find underground parking. Better pay the 20 bucks or so than the 8 dollars at the back of some run down building…

the movies thing I’ve heard of, which is why driving a different less attractive car to the movies is usually a common practise nowadays.

the only thing I do not like…is that I’ve heard many stories (friend is a cop) where people have confronted thieves who are in the middle of taking their cars apart. By confrontation I mean with a baseball bat to the head. In the end, it’s the car owner who got charged with “excessive force” while the thieves got away on a lesser charge. (Breaking and entering) Since they were not caught with the actual item they were trying to steal.
I firmly believe that those who own nice cars, reserve the right to shoot any potential thief in the face with a shotty if they find them in their freaking car at night!

shrugs just my 2 cents

I’m gonna seriously look into getting an alarm of some sort, but the G always sleeps indoors, and at work is parked infront of the senior VP’s window. When DT, I park at my friend’s condo that has cameras, and guards with dawgzzz.

I like the way you think. Ghetto Law Enforcement…lol…:smiley:

It’s ridiculous that you have to have so many damn security measures. WHat kind of quick releases do people recommend? sorry for the thread jack

i head of this company boomerang. some sort of gps that works underground and even in a container ship. and theres multiple gps sensors scattered throughout the car. u get it installed, get ur car appraised and if ur car gets stolen they will get it back within 24hrs i think or they will buy u a new car guaranteed. im pretty sure its really expensive but if u have tons of cash invested into ur ride why not spend the extra loot