Big Thumbs Down AT&T (iPhone Madness)

Come on dudebro, ATT is orange. Cherry is reserved for Big Red.

BTW, our discussion on Thursday (that you remember, HAH!), I think the Pro is a pipe dream, the Diamond is what I am probably gonna end up with… Gimme the skinny when you know, meng.

we talked shop on thursday?!

Oh man. Those shots were a bad idea.

It was a good time, I took out $40 and came home with $27 :jam:

Totally agree - that type of thing has always annoyed me, no matter what device is being name dropped.

What was also really annoying back when the phones were still somewhat new was when I would take it out and people would freak out like I had just pulled out a brick of gold. I started going someplace more private before I got it out so I didn’t have to hear it.

The biggest thing I noticed when I had my iPhone for a month was that Asian chicks started hitting on me :gotme:

Name dropping anything you own is annoying. These 2 guys I know do that with cars too. If you only own one car, don’t say “I left that in the benz” or “lets take the vette” Then again, maybe I’m just jealous because name dropping a Chevy Trailblazer would only work in the parents section at a youth soccer game.

LOL no shit. It was like you were showing them the inside of Marcellus Wallace’s briefcase. Followed up by “can I mess with it?”

no, it’s my phone not a toy… go buy your own to screw up

BTW, with 3G can you stream audio AND play games and shit on it? Or is it still limited to one process at a time?

Anyone know any ATT stores that have iPhones yet? Last I checked they were doing orders on the next shipment.

Just got off the phone with a store and they said that no ATT stores in the area have iPhones in stock :frowning:

Ok. Had a call with ATT just now and had the best expierence so far. Lady was very friendly and explained what happened and how their process works.

Their department that handles contract issues such as resetting contracts and such needs to be processed by the request. If I were to purchase another phone from an ATT store, they would see its in processing and be able to override it, however the Apple Store is not an ATT retailer so they only see what the user would see so I need to wait.

ATT did credit me back $30 on my plan that has been active since June 25th which had minutes, data, and unlimited text as a courtesy for the inconvenience and not being able to fully use my data feature with my temporary phone which I was very impressed with.

Seems to be limited to one app at a time. If I’m using my Pandora app, if I got back to the home screen, it stops playing music and closes.


Been 4 full days since I returned my blackjack 2 to the deleware store…

Still waiting for my contract to be reset so I can get a new phone.

I have been told it takes 24-48 hours… Then I was told it takes up to 72 hours…Its now been almost 100 hours without a new phone as a new customer.

On a side note, I received a $30 credit on Monday for my inconvenience and also since I am paying for data and texting and the phone they gave me to use barley texts.

I called again yesterday after the 72 hours was up and they gave me the $41 activation charge back too.

They are trying to make the situation right I guess by crediting me and I guess they wouldnt credit me if there was something they could do but it just blows my mind that customer service can not call this department and ask why its not reset yet.

my guess here is the auth agent is rly putting in for the removal of your contract, thats what hes getting paid on. it shouldnt make a diff if you are “not eligible” i manager should be able to look at your reciepts, see the phone was returned and do a manager approved upgrade of some sort.

I spoke to another rep today and found out that my contract had been dated back from 6/25/05 - 6/25/08 so it was over. The only thing was that my equipment contract was not backdated yet. I have the receipt and number from the auth reseller when he submitted the return. The rep today on the phone said he sent a email to the department asking about the status that its been over 72 hours.

I dont understand why this department incharge of returns is like the isolated group that no one can just call and ask. At least they are crediting me for something. If I cant get it done by 5 central time when he is supposed to call me back, I am dropping ATT.

india is far away man, they dont do shit fast.

Ya I am fed up. Its been since Sunday I returned the phone.

No credit back on my debt card. No contract change online.

If its not done today, I think i am going to need a new provider. My company offered to pay for my iPhone and part of my contract if I use my personal number and now I look like a moron becuase I have no phone that gets email or anything important other than vibrate.

I just dont understand how a manager of a corporate store can go in and change my plan contract on their system but not be able to change my equipment contract.

The guy said he leaves at 5 PM central time and when he heard back he would call me. If he doesn’t call or I have to wait another day, I am flipping shit and done with this company. It is nice they gave me a a refund back on my plan but I can not be this long without a phone.

I’m not gonna lie. Buying a phone at a VZW agent, returning it, then trying to get a phone at a corp store (nevermind its APPLE and the iphone) isn’t a simple ordeal either. Both sides would be fighting for the commission.

Good luck.

Finally got somewhere. Rep on the phone I talked to for about 2 hours and he tried to get the people who do the contract stuff to change it right away becuase the call center was in that building. They were unable to and wanted to have me wait another 72 hours. Finally told them that its been 5 days that I havent had a phone. If I cant get one tonight, I am porting my number because I need to have something.

I told them I dont mind paying retail for the iPhone if I get credit back for it once they do the return stuff and after like 20 minutes, they authorized it so as soon as it gets processed, someone will be calling me to go over the credit on my accoutn for the difference on the cost of the iphone.

Thank god. Finally got my toy :slight_smile:

well it certainly seems worth it for an iphone :uhh:


phones aren’t thousands of dollars, i don’t get the “status” thing either

i remember when the sidekick 2 came out, people made it out like i was holding the holy grail. RIP i buried that in my backyard next to my dead dog

Hey guys, I’m new here but I am selling t-shirts, because it looks like you’re all into BLACKBERRY just like me! Here is the design: