Big Thumbs Down AT&T (iPhone Madness)

I just bought the Blackjack 2 as a new ATT customer at the end of June. I was told by the store (an authorized reseller) that I had 30 days to decide.

This weekend I got playing with my friends 3G iPhone and I was really impressed so finding out that the Apple store had them, I called ATT and asked how to return my phone to buy the iPhone at the store. They told me to go into the store and return it and then I would be able to go buy it.

I go back to the store that I bought the phone and returned it. My account was closed out I was told and gave me the confirmation number and reciept so off the the apple store i go. I get there and had to call att customer service because i need to remove the corporate discount from my account which i did. The second attempt to buy it, they tell me i am not eligible to upgrade. I explain to them that I do not have a phone or plan, just an active account. They said to call customer service again.

This time they tell me that they will not do anything on my account unless I go back to the store I returned my phone at and call them back even tho I have all the information about my account, cancellation, and return in front of me. Still no go. I walk upstairs at the mall to the corporate store of ATT and ask them what is going on and if there is anything to do. They tell me that my contract was never reset when the processed the return and they can make the change but it might not show up so I need to go to the store I returned it so they can do it in the system.

I go back to the original store, tell them the situation and he needs to call ATT like they told me. He calls and they have no clue what to do. After an hour there and almost getting my whole number deleted, I have no ATT phone other than a POS Cingular one that has no service anywhere and no ringer that they gave me and according to them, I need to wait 72 hours before my plan resets which may or may not suddenly disable my phone without me knowing.


Sorry to hear that, Our customer care is overloaded with this iphone business, and if you were doing this today even worse, since almost no departments are open on sunday

man, that blows

Ya customer care was the worst service I have ever recieved. Every rep seemed put out when myself, ATT, and Apple. The girl at Apple was the most helpful.

I did find good help in the ATT store in the Galeria. They tried to do what they could but could not do anything since they didnt do the return.

Is there any way around this and being eligible for an upgrade since I am a new customer or am I screwed for 3 days?

Call Customer care tomarrow, 800-331-0500, ask to speak to a supervisor. be persistant as fuck and get it done, if need be, I can assist, pm me if you need it and ill give you my number here.

Customer care should be able to override that.

You should know better than to buy from authorized agents.

Still no joy. Called Customer Care today and spoke to 3 different people and got no where. Told me that I must wait 3-4 days before the paperwork gets processed by the department.


I warned you about doing it this way.

doing what, what way?

i have only met one person (neonglh) who wasn’t a total fggt about having an iphone.

“oh, i can check that on my IPHONE”

“let me just send a quick message on my IPHONE”


i guess it’s not EXACTLY the same situation, however with all the restrictions around the iphone it should have been assumed there would be issues from jumping early.

i like the iphone just becuase:
a) touch screen is really easy to navigate and smooth
b) large FREE software base with community behind it
c) built in ipod (no more traveling with my ipod and phone)

I dont understand the people who mention they have an iphone when someone asks something but they are not just iphone guys. i have talked to blackberry people who when people say “Oh who is that actor in that movie” they whip out their blackberry and have the answer in 5 minutes.

Ya but its just like an exchange. I wish ATT stores had the phones in stock so this would be easier I think. The tough part was I think is that the Apple store isnt an ATT rep so they are limited. I still am just blown away how they need to send an email to change my contract. It seems in this modern world, that would be something that a manager can do from their computers.

I am going to call around today and see if any store has any of them to try to get it that way.

you shouldve handled the CS part when you still had a corporate discount. Premier/Business Care is approximately 73x better than the regular one.*

all mac products are the same way. people think they are cool for owning them. Its actually rather sad because when it comes down to it, it really is a great product. Even on here, people like to start new threads whenever they buy an iMac or a macbook or something. Drives me nuts, nobody fucking cares what kind of computer you own.

I see your point, but it’s not a typical exchange. Add in the fact that you purcahsed from an agent who is worried about his store getting paid now (and will probably get charged back on the sale) and you get the wonderful situation that you are now in.

i check stuff on my bberry all the time.

but i don’t say, “i’ll just check that out on my BLACKBERRY”

no need to name-drop your fucking phone.

I just called AT&T customer service and had to offer my differing experience.

6 minute initial hold time and that was announced when I first called:
:tup: 6 minutes is pretty good considering they sold a million iphone 3g’s since Friday.

Got a rep who spoke clear English. Was polite, helpful, had no issues with canceling my family plan and moving me to an individual iPhone plan. Talked for a couple minutes to make sure we were clear on what changes I wanted, put me on hold for a couple minutes to make the changes. Came back from being on hold, restated what was done, ended call.
:tup: Not sure how that could have been any easier.

And I got my iPhone at the Apple Store and activated it at home, so not getting it directly from AT&T didn’t seem to matter.

Out of curiousity, what color was the Kool Aid?

^ Cherry Red.

Boxxa - you have to expect shit like this when you do the “Try N Buy” BS. You are asking for trouble with all this switcheroo. Why couldn’t you just wait until July 11th for the iPhone before opening an account. It’s like getting pissed at some 18 year old kid making $7 an hour for forgetting to take off the tomatoes on your Big Bacon Classic.

I was on the phone with an ATT customer service rep for about an hour while trying to figure out the errors that the handhelds at the apple store were experiencing regarding my account. Customer service was clear and helpful, and waited with me as I dealt with apple reps.

They wouldn’t allow me to take the hardware from the apple store to the ATT store upstairs in the mall for a required manager override. :bloated:

Finally, I just terminated my old account and started with a new number. Oh well.