Big to Thin Questions

Just quitting smoking will give you a ton more go-power. That should be your A1A priority.

PS, where are you in Angola? I grew up in that area.

People who don’t smoke get hungry too… there are alternatives. Drink a bottle of water, eat a strong mint/brush your teeth (so food wont taste good), have a small snack of nuts or fruit, suck on hard candy or a sucker.

you seem to have stopped making excuses for eating too much. why would you continue to make them for smoking?

also, cardio (in conjunction with weight/strength training and diet) is the main factor in losing weight and keeping it off AND you need to be able to breathe in order to run.

Here are a few foods that will help with the belly fat.

Use mustard instead of mayo
Soy Milk (any other soy products as well)

I’d stay away from soy…

There is no “lose weight fast and be healthy.” Stick to what you are doing and it’s OK to cheat once in a while. It will keep you sane.

The key is to find a diet and routine you can stick with. The longer you stick with it, the better results you will get. It will be different for everyone.

just because it hasn’t been said yet, your belly fat will be the LAST thing to go. Running is the best and fastest way to lose weight and tone at the same time since it’s a whole body exercise. Also, it’s always easier to eat less calories than it is to burn more off, but you can’t tone by eating less so feed your body better and burn more if you want results.

Is this serious?

I don’t want to exercise.

I smoke.


By the way, there is no such thing as spot reduction, doing core exercises until your balls fall off will not help you lose your gut any more than any other form of equivalent calorie burning.

truth! people have excess fat in different locations as everyone is different, but correct that there is no such thing as spot reduction. Exercising the whole body is the only way you will get rid of this and it will always be your problem area.

Swimming > *

Eat smart. I’ve probabaly lost more weight than anyone on the forum naturally. I lost over 80lbs earlier this year.

Lose sugar in the beverages. Drink water, light cranberry and 1% milk, coffee black.
The body works basic when it comes to gaining weight.

Sugars and starches are turned into glucose and stored as fat.
Keep the carbs down, dont cut them out, just keep them down. eliminate bread as much as possible.

Multi vitamins are nice, Take one daily, they help with the weight loss.
Portions, cut them down if you eat a giant plate, cut it in half.
Watch the sodium intake, dont cut it out completely, but dont go megaloading with 100’s of mg’s like most prepared food or boxed food. If you know how to cook, losing weight is easy.

Noodle side dishes, lose them. Pasta sides, rice, mac n cheese all horrible for you during a diet. Get some raw veggies, wash them and learn to cook them.

A lemon pepper chicken with asparagus (sp?) or long green beans is healthy and if cooked right, can taste very good. Burgers without the bulk also are good, grill yourself some burgers and eat them without the bread. For cheese, get some shreaded cheese and use enough to make yourself happy ewithout going in access.

Steamfresh makes a veggie mix in the bag with cheese, its carrots, colliflower n shit not the one with rice. You can east the whole thing as a lunch or something and its not horrible for you.

Campbells chunky chicken noodle soup isnt horrible for you. I dont get the healthy request because I hate it, but the regular kind tastes good, and makes a good lunch.

Eat dinner earlier, dont eat after 7pm. this wa you have time to digest dinner and work off the calories before you sleep.

Dont cut all the salt and cabrs, youll die, but cut the un needed stuff and you will be fine.

Counting calories sucks.


not going to the gym because you’re “wasting money” is a lot less attractive than a couple of extra pounds.

edit: and smoking. smoking is fucking disgusting.

Workout Hard, eat healthy. You’re eating way under your needed calories, and soon your body will start shutting down as a result. You need to reconfigure your diet and do this properly before you end up in the hospital. Quit smoking, join a gym, get a trainer if you don’t know what you’re doing.

So much fail in here hahah!

Not always, every person is different. I’m a big guy because I have a metabolic thing and if i eat over 12-1500 calories I gain, no way around it, and it’s resistant to exercise. I ate thanksgiving dinner at sterling this weekend and put on 2LBS. :fu:

^ truth. My level of caloric intake would be unhealthy for most people, but it’s perfectly fine (and doctor okay’d) for me. I eat (to maintain) about 1100 a day.

As some have said there is no quick fix. You didn’t add the weight overnight and it sure as shit won’t come off overnight. Only creating a calorie deficit while being sure to take in enough nutrients to feed your muscle will work.

So the starve yourself thing won’t work for 2 reasons…
First if one tries this approach they’ll cave sooner than later since they’re trying to tough out mental pain while eliminating/limiting pleasure. The reward of will power in action isn’t going to provide sufficient reinforcement. But also they won’t be feeding their muscles, which are highly metabolic and therefore their basal metabolism will remain low. One needs to add muscle weight (lean body mass) if they expect to melt the fat off. Starvation won’t accomplish much other than muscle mass loss and loss of water weight. When you starve you’ll shed muscle which means rapid weight loss but also a reduction in the ability to burn fat. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat so as LBM goes up your weight may drop slow or perhaps will even go up…this does not mean you’re efforts are failing!

An excellent book is “Awaken the giant within” from Tony Robbins. He writes about NLP (neural linguistic programming) and the psych behind making lasting changes in life.

I had some random thoughts tonight as I was planning my Thanksgiving meal, that might be useful for you with the big dinner coming up (I’m assuming that you are not cooking your own meal, which if you are, it will be a lot easier to keep your meal in check). You’re not going to be perfect though, and like I said before, you can’t cut all the good stuff out. Prepare yourself before you go into the meal and you should do just fine :slight_smile:

General tips: Don’t NOT eat the whole day before dinner. Eat a regular breakfast, lunch and have an afternoon snack. Thanksgiving is not an all you can eat buffet. Drink tons of water. Ideally you will fill 1/2 your plate with veggies, 1/4 with meat, and the 1/4 with a carbohydrate or starch, such as mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes. Wait a solid 20 minutes before you return for another helping. And really, the only thing you should be having a second helping of is veggies.

Veggies: Eat all of your veggies on your plate first. This does not include mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes. Try to arrange to have the bowl of leftover veggies sitting in front of you instead of another side or the turkey. That way, if you feel the urge to eat more, it’s in the most convenient location.

Turkey: Go with skinless, white meat portions. If you see any fat or skin on it, cut it off immediately and straight into the trash. Don’t leave it on your plate to tempt you.

Cranberry Sauce: Depending on how it’s made, this can be one of the best sides for you. As long as it hasn’t been over sweetened with sugar, you can have a good portion size.

Gravy: Skip it. Opt for a spoonful of cranberry sauce instead.

Mashed Potatoes: These will make you feel full, but then you will have an insulin crash and be hungry for more. Small portion.

Sweet Potatoes: Again, depending on how it’s made. If it’s got marshmallows on top, there’s a good chance it’s got quite a fair share of brown sugar in it. However, sweet potatoes are awesome for you, so I opt for a serving of these instead of a serving of mashed potatoes.

Stuffing: Try to avoid, but if you can’t, only take a very SMALL portion and eat it LAST.

Pumpkin Pie: Fat and calories. If you can’t avoid, try to at least avoid the crust and have a half slice. If you can, have some fresh fruit to satisfy the sweet craving instead. No whipped cream, no matter how low fat.

Other dessert: If there is another dessert option (one with fruit especially) it may be better for you than pumpkin pie (that does not mean HEALTHY… just BETTER). The best thing you can do, besides skipping it altogether, is to eat only the filling, and then, try to only eat the fruit portions (like if it’s apple pie, try not to eat the flavored gel like stuff in between the apples).

Breads/Rolls: If you can avoid having stuffing AND gravy, you can have a roll. But if you put EITHER of those two things on your plate, any bread product is out.

way to not read the whole thread. I have a home gym a buddy of mine owns, he isnt using it, so he moved it into my place for now, and i’ve also acquired a treadmill if need be i can grab that as well. Wasting money referrs to the 14-60 dollars for something i’ve now got at home.

The rest of you tho, thanks for the help and tips, i ran out of cigs yesterday and i’m not going to get anymore, your right, there is no reason to make excuses for that. Doing the whole low to no carbs as well, as well as doing a shit load of exercise, starting with walk, then push/situps, then hitting that home gym up. I know i’ve got to start slow and progressively work more and more, which is fine.

Near the (now-demolished) drive-in, just a few houses down

:bigclap: Outstanding. :awdrifter: :tup:

Oh I’m sorry, I meant being poor is a lot less attractive than a few extra pounds. And while I’m here, so are shitty tattoos.