Big :tup: to Rubicant and Carnut

Many thanks to Don and Matt for trekking to Toronto to lend a hand with a :snky::snky: project.

And the :tup: for the fine food before we came back.

No problem.

I celebrated the independance of my country in another country all while wearing the Union Jack. I’m soo patriotic.

For anyone who like sushi/japanese food, I highly suggest

best ever.

OK … I have been CRAVING Sushi for a while now …

Who wants to go

Matt and Don suck and are you know whats…

false, you are the one who is the you know what

Sorry I was so sick yesterday but I would have loved to go.


i hate both matt and don.

however, i love sushi.

thread = 2/5

your mom = 2/5

3/5. I had her last night.

Oh wait…was the “5” a quality rating or a capacity rating?:ohyeah:

dorothy mantooth is a SAINT!!! you leave her out of this!

you shut your mouth when you are talking to me.

Definitely kool on the snky project! I would have helped more if I had a change of clothes.

A few humble observations…

  1. Toronto has the hottest broads ever!!
  2. As good as the sushi was, Sakura is better because I don’t piss out my ass after
  3. Magnus Motorsports Rules

Sean, how is the car running now?

Hauls ass. 22 psi steady after a bit of tweaking/tuning of the boost management system. Hard thump again that I missed after parting out the talon. ~300 whp and there’s tons more in it considering its all stock intake piping and stock exhaust.

So you’re about 50whp off from what the 96 was, right? Intake pipe + Exhaust and you should be close…

Pretty close. Figure the talon was 350 whp ( 112 mph in the 1/4 ) at 22 psi. Smooth out the intake flow, evacuate the exhaust more efficiently, etc, and it should be there.

:tup: Should rock out with the wheels you got on the corners.

And what I am getting on Friday will make good use of the power and the wheels. :slight_smile:

It’s very hard to not say “Fuck it” and trade in the lesbo-wagon and get a 9… Very hard.

DO IT!!!