stock limiter thought chuck tuned it recently?
Thats a solid idea…spray a 100k+ motor with stock valve springs past the stock limiter on the bottle
Car n00b
LOL You cant break an LS1 silly noob
also im pretty confident ed could careless about THAT engine :snky:
:snky: oh noes!
:lol: I just made an offer on a Z28 in Texas :snky:
oh boy another Texas Ls1 Im in for a roadtrip :tup:
Is it auto and white?
We all care about our first LS1.
It ran 11.765@118.11 (1.7 60ft)
you can…and it’s not as bad as i thought. seems the gap on the new motor is pretty big i may end up spraying a deuce :eekdance:.
thats gonna be siqqq cant wait to see it
i miss the 30th
me too. try looking at it everyday without being able to drive it. it’s killing me.
:headbang: ahh shit forgot to look for a NAWS gauge for ya i’ll check out the garage tomorrow
you get used to it :lol:
you’ve been doing it for years thats why. i have not.
PS - no shop tonight i’ll be at the sabres game…and not tomorrow either as i’ll be at the sabres game…MUWAHAHAHA
oh i see.
Me 2
If you need a hand tomarrow, or depending on how late you stay tonight, im always down William.
ed we need to line um up some time are traps are pretty similar