Biggest Sport Compact Drift/Event in CND History -Oct 7-TMP

Osad - Ill check if I can find u a helmet.

alesserfate - there will be more prizes coming, the event is still four weeks away and I am waiting for sponsors to confirm still.

blu2forty - To pass safety its just the regular track rules. Battery tied down, not leaking ANY fluids, all parts on the car seem to be securely mounted and so forth. If there is anything in particular your worried about email me and I can clear up the situation.

Sounds test is mandatory at TMP, however I dont think anyone had a problem last time, not even alex or sasha with there cars. A DOT helmet is highly recomended but if M rated is all you can get it will work for Oct.

The event will be run very similar to last time, therefore practice from 9-10:30 and then from 12-12:45. Qualifications and emliminations will then follow. Im sure anyone that attended the Aug. event will agree there was plenty of track time for everyone. By the end of the day there was only two cars left on the track.

[1] Vlad Crown (alesserfate) - Drifting
[2] Chris Kidybinski (cloudzero3) - Drifting
[3] Leo (FR Only) - Drifting
[4] Daniel (Osad) - Spectating
[5] Chris - Doing something haha
[6] Justin - Eating Grapes
[7] Bob - Doing backflips through hoops of fire
[8] Phil - doin something…
[9] Tyler - syd_mysta
[10] Shawn (fastback240) - doing somthing not very interesting
[11] Alex (X-nobody) - Drifting
[12] Jon - drifting

[1] Vlad Crown (alesserfate) - Drifting
[2] Chris Kidybinski (cloudzero3) - Drifting
[3] Leo (FR Only) - Drifting
[4] Daniel (Osad) - Spectating
[5] Chris - Doing something haha
[6] Justin - Eating Grapes
[7] Bob - Doing backflips through hoops of fire
[8] Phil - doin something…
[9] Tyler - syd_mysta
[10] Shawn (fastback240) - doing somthing not very interesting
[11] Alex (X-nobody) - Drifting
[12] Jon - drifting
[13] Samson- dori dori

Thanks Chris, I’d really appreciate it if you could find me a helmet, or allow me to go for ride-alongs sans helmet. Preferably the former :lol:

I thought it was going to be on the 8th. Man this sucks…like jesse said S1DC will be a no show. I was looking forward to this event.

Maybe I will show up in my suit, and rip a few laps between the service and the reception. :lol:

you’ll already be in burlington…lol… and you will have 3-4 hours in between i think…hahaha

if melissa would let it go down we could do our wedding photos on the track… nah i dont htink that will happen

you’ll already be in burlington…lol… and you will have 3-4 hours in between i think…hahaha

if melissa would let it go down we could do our wedding photos on the track… nah i dont htink that will happen[/quote]

shit so should everyone wear suits to track… 8) VIP drift

Chris, are the top 3 from last event already qualified? Will it be ok if we show up late? If there is 3-4 hours between the wedding and the reception then I think that should be enough time to compete depending on the timeing things. S1DC drifting in suits…lol.

Who were the last 2 cars on the tack last time? Oh yeah that was Jesse and I pulling some tandom shinanigans…lol

i beleive chris and jess and theo will all be available from about 1pm to 5 pm or so…

i have a question for the organizer of this event. having been to TMP today, i was wondering if there are STRICT rules for noise and such? we were warned so many times and then ended up having to go 1 at a time. before we would have many 3-4 cars on the track which is still not a lot by any means. does CSCS have more political leverage (ie. compared to other people setting up drift events) in this situation? i can foresee some major complaints especially if this is the “biggest” event, meaning more people. whats the downlow on this issue?


[1] Vlad Crown (alesserfate) - Drifting
[2] Chris Kidybinski (cloudzero3) - Drifting
[3] Leo (FR Only) - Drifting
[4] Daniel (Osad) - Spectating
[5] Chris - Doing something haha
[6] Justin - Eating Grapes
[7] Bob - Doing backflips through hoops of fire
[8] Phil - doin something…
[9] Tyler - syd_mysta
[10] Shawn (fastback240) - doing somthing not very interesting
[11] Alex (X-nobody) - Drifting
[12] Jon - drifting
[13] Samson- dori dori
[14] Mikey- drifting if i get car if not spec
[15]Kyle (krgoodwin) - destroying tires

PS: who do i pay?

[1] Vlad Crown (alesserfate) - Drifting
[2] Chris Kidybinski (cloudzero3) - Drifting
[3] Leo (FR Only) - Drifting
[4] Daniel (Osad) - Spectating
[5] Chris - Doing something haha
[6] Justin - Eating Grapes
[7] Bob - Doing backflips through hoops of fire
[8] Phil - doin something…
[9] Tyler - syd_mysta
[10] Shawn (fastback240) - doing somthing not very interesting
[11] Alex (X-nobody) - Drifting
[12] Jon - drifting
[13] Samson- dori dori
[14] Mikey- drifting if i get car if not spec
[15]Kyle (krgoodwin) - destroying tires
[16] David (XuperXero) - finishing some unfinished business with tires, sideways…

Well, looks like my schedule is pretty clear for that day and still got some tread remaining from today’s drift day to finish off. :smiley:

Hopefully nothing interrupts the plan…

[1] Vlad Crown (alesserfate) - Drifting
[2] Chris Kidybinski (cloudzero3) - Drifting
[3] Leo (FR Only) - Drifting
[4] Daniel (Osad) - Spectating
[5] Chris - Doing something haha
[6] Justin - Eating Grapes
[7] Bob - Doing backflips through hoops of fire
[8] Phil - doin something…
[9] Tyler - syd_mysta
[10] Shawn (fastback240) - doing somthing not very interesting
[11] Alex (X-nobody) - Drifting
[12] Jon - drifting
[13] Samson- dori dori
[14] Mikey- drifting if i get car if not spec
[15] Kyle (krgoodwin) - destroying tires
[16] Mason (kyle’s friend) - Drifting
[17] David (XuperXero) - finishing some unfinished business with tires, sideways…

bing if you left your wife on your marriage day to come drift your car you would be my ever lasting hero

that is WAY more gang than running from donut

i wouldnt even think of it…

btw… you are only free until 5pm that day as well…

how will the eliminations work, is there going to be tandam runs. i cant smash the 14.5. next year with the 13 coupe.

We have held many events at TMP over the past three years so we do have pretty good pull at TMP

In regards to the amount of cars on the track at one time, last event we ran 3 or 4 cars at a time and it worked out fine, with no noise complaints. For lapping we ran alot more cars.

Intense - eliminations are ran solo and judged. This because ost competitors dont want to do tandem drifting and very few guys have side impact bars.

OK, next question…

Where do we prepay? :smiley:

[1] Vlad Crown (alesserfate) - Drifting
[2] Chris Kidybinski (cloudzero3) - Drifting
[3] Leo (FR Only) - Drifting
[4] Daniel (Osad) - Spectating
[5] Chris - Doing something haha
[6] Justin - Eating Grapes
[7] Bob - Doing backflips through hoops of fire
[8] Phil - doin something…
[9] Tyler - syd_mysta
[10] Shawn (fastback240) - doing somthing not very interesting
[11] Alex (X-nobody) - Drifting
[12] Jon - drifting
[13] Samson- dori dori
[14] Mikey- drifting if i get car if not spec
[15] Kyle (krgoodwin) - destroying tires
[16] Mason (kyle’s friend) - Drifting
[17] David (XuperXero) - finishing some unfinished business with tires, sideways…
[18] Will - drift drift

how do we pre-pay