Bike Crew Unite!

[quote=Coldaccord;1069912]you guys should pick a curvy route[/quuote]

What he said. Make a day out of it and take the twistiest roads possible on the way there. Than have some awesome BBQ and take the throughway back or the twisty roads. Id be in but no bike this season.

i say we leave around 12 or 1ish, that way we get there before rush hour traffic, and after we all eat we’ll be ready to head home after traffic dies down too

i wonder if the boss would let me take a demo, lol
I wonder if i could take the demo spyder

ill have to check the work schedule but i might be in.

I’m good for noon or 1.
this should be good times!

so where is everyone meeting?
I’ve never had the bike on the thruway.
am I going to be the lone cruiser?

how many people are going? i might be in depending on my work sched

lets plan for 12:30-1:00 at the mighty on sheridan and eggert?

That means I’m going to need to get up early :tdown: Dino is worth it though.

does anyone else hear that noise??

oh! its the WAHHHbulance! haha.

I think im in for this… depending on the weather.

awesome, from what the weather looks like now they’re calling for sunny and 73

That Whaaaaaburger and french cries at the Gin Mill in Ellicotville was real good. Better be in, Will. Don’t want to come and wake you up with a fire extinguisher.

wow, i seriously just checked the weather and it says sunny 73, i refresh the page and it says showers 73. w.t.f.

40% chance of rain…hmm.

im thinking with gustav we’re gonna get rain one of these days… toward the end of the week

well i figure we got 4 days, and its buffalo so its a crap-shoot…hmm. weather changes every 15 mins here so we could luck out, i guess we’ll find out friday night/saturday morning.

If not Saturday; Sunday good for anyone?

sunday might actually work too, in case rain does happen on saturday. i have to make sure i’m not scheduled, I should be good tho.

word… night boys. prison break time

well i’d be good for saturday or sunday. we’ll just see how it plays out i guess