Bike Crew Unite!

So I was thinking at work today…Dinosaur BBQ sounds sooo good. So would anyone be interested in picking a day this week and riding out there, pending weather and everyone’s schedules?

Group for Sunday 9/6/08:


i know not of this dinosaur bbq that you speak of…

but i love bbq…

are you being serious?

I wouldn’t mind going to DynoBBQ, but I’m not sure I’d want to ride down the thruway that long for it.

I am… i’ve never heard of it. :frowning:

how long of a ride is it?

Its around 76 miles, Its not that bad, I’d say its about hour and a half at most.

you guys should pick a curvy route

maybe if I’m home
but either way I’d be on the harley and slow

I’d say an hour at most on the bikes.

That could be fun. Just not sure about the route to take.


well we could take whatever route works with everyone, i figure it’d be a nice ride out there, good food, we could always stop on the way if anyone gets tired since it is almost 1-1/2 hour ride out there.

Id be down for this.

Yea count me in

alright well what day works with everyone?

yes if it’s a weekend.

work and night school M-F >*

this saturday possibly? i’m off all day

saturday is good for me too, let’s do this

99 Court Street Rochester, NY 14604

looks like it’ll mostly be thruway.
the alternate routes look fairly non-curvy too.
should still be a good ride though

yeah, it should be fun tho either way, curvy route or not, the extended forecast calls for AM clouds and then sunny and 73, which should be good, considering it will be somewhat of a haul, hot weather would suck

I’m in for Saturday.

What time saturday???