bike meets or hangouts

maybe i’ll swing thru this saturday night. i live so close tho i might show up in my pj’s and slippers lol

I’ll keep an eye out for a guy in sleep wear.:lol

anyone goin out to DD tonight?

Go to Spitzies

DD last night

'twas a good time.

ILL MAKE it out one of these night

Just give me a heads up. I got every other sat night off and if it’s nice out, I make my way there.

They said Friday night was packed full, which was unusual as typically sat night is the better one.

Maybe we should establish a phone/text list?

I had a mass mssg list before I could establish it again. :ponder

it did look pretty packed on friday night when i drove by

I missed it! Who’s going this week

I was going to go for a coffee, but all these damn bikes are taking up all the car parking space…:rofl

this weather is depressing

I know right

I went out for a 40 mile cruise on Tuesday while overcast just for the hell of it.

Rocket, you were doing it wrong :lol

No doubt :cry:

looks pretty dry out there right now. can’t decide if i want to take the bike out. i literally spent 4 hrs last friday detailing my bike and i would cry if i hit a puddle lol

damn dude did you take the engine apart and clean that too? it takes me just about an hour tops tomorrow is looking good. MAY hit DND friday anyone else heading there?

Forgot when I last cleaned my bike, my R6 is slowly but surely becoming a beater…:rofl

i polished all the aluminum bits (pegs, pass pegs, exhaust, levers). polished the scratches out of my windscreen. cleaned and lubed my chain (the white BelRay lube is a PITA to get off and makes a mess of the chain and rims). washed the bike top to bottom. and applied a spay-detailer to shine it up.

i’m not going to be around this weekend. which sucks because it’s suppose to be good weather :frowning:

Makes me feel like I should clean mine today. Did anyone show up last night?

Last night was supposed to be a big night out.

If it’s nice today people will show up too.

Unfortunately I’m working tonight.

Yeah it was packed