Bike tuners and screwdrivers

take it how you want to take my post. I didn’t single anyone out by what I said.

Yeah 8.40 185 mph on a streetbike

8.91 154 all motor streetbike

And 9.43 at 143 in a street car…i def don’t know shitfaced hahahahaha

Sure, but I’m not driving to Albany (from Buffalo) to talk to someone I a.) don’t know b.) don’t care to know, and c.) can’t use proper english. If you’d like to drive out though I’d be glad to say it to your face. What do I have to lose?

EDIT: Let me also make sure you are getting where my comment came from. I don’t know you, I don’t know what you do to help/hurt people. All I know is the blabbering idiot that started posting shit that looks like a 4th grade inner city kid wrote. If you’re a stand up guy in person, awesome, but you look like a shit talking, butthurt moron in this thread.

Fast fucking times right there. Theres so many people saying their going to do this and do that in the performance business these days its tough to pick out the dreamers from the real deal. But since some people have vouched for you along with the times youve run I think its safe you probably dont fall into the dreamer category. Good luck with the business.

I can say that Greg has never been nothing but helpful every time I have seen him out. He helped with Dbags car at the truck when the slicks were rubbing and I have seen him helping out countless bikes at LVD. He def knows his stuff when it comes to bikes and I have talked to other people that brought stuff to this Joe guy and were not happy. Also this isnt

ok ,ill go out on a limb and say when i as there joes was great . that was also 5 yrs ago , if shit has changed i was unaware of it . i took this guy as another blowjob like tony if your cool id be more than happy to start over and say hi . im slowmarro i masterbate a lot and is scared of screwdrivers " long story " joe is a friend of mine and has been for yrs i owuldnt hesistate bringin my bike or whatnot there .


comon don’t ruin the drama…where else am I going to get my entertainment tonight!!!

fine sarge , ill shank you ni99a

mike save it for tomorrow…grudge racing a bmw tomorrow with the prelude…should be the slowest grudge match everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…entertainment for month…

google my nuts

Wait, so you are the one driving the Prelude? Congrats on your win in advance.

maybe we can get on a MX track then and see whose faster and put a end to this…

just saying.

I got the track, I got the quad, just need some competition…

30 bucks says you cant keep up with my sister.

I almost have to come to the track to watch this. :rofl

30 WHOLE DOLLARS?!?! Damnnnnnnn! American or Canadian?

Jamaican (35 cents US)


I am in for this too. Infact I cant wait to smoke the both of you poor schmucks on your track. lol atleast for the first 5 laps, then my arms will feel like pop-eye and ill pull off the track. haha

I think I met the OP at the albany speed g2g a month back. good dude, it was nice to meet him.

Btw, it was one clip richer on the needle. thats all. :thumbup


Slowgto is a good dude, even if he posts like a retard. I certainly wouldn’t talk shit to him without a VERY legitimate reason. He is also a good seller. :thumbup :thumbup

Smokin ill get on a mx track anytime…problem is i ride two wheels i don’t need training wheels…

then I guess it would really bother ya to get beat by someone on training wheels huh?

Then you can run me homeslice… smokin can clean up the busted pieces once he catches up on his 2-2many wheeler. :lol