Bike tuners and screwdrivers

brooks im gonna buy a dyno and put people outta the dyno scene around here…

there is NO ONE in upstate that dynos bike CORRECTLY…

i will be dyno tuning and will have a dealer account with brocks exhaust and hindle exhaust…key is bikes will be tuned and tuned right…no blown out of site exagerated numbers

brooks im gonna buy a dyno and put people outta the dyno scene around here…

there is NO ONE in upstate that dynos bike CORRECTLY…

i will be dyno tuning and will have a dealer account with brocks exhaust and hindle exhaust…key is bikes will be tuned and tuned right…no blown out of site exagerated numbers

:rofl:rofl:rofl keep dreamin man , joe has been doin it for yrs and will continue to do so . his numbers are real and legit dont get all butthurt cause your numbers aint what ya thought they were gonna be , i worked for joe and know for sure he is legit . he has no reason to cushion the numbers he could close the dorrs tommoorow and it wouldnt hurt him as he is only doin this shit now cause he wants to :thumbup

Joe is a 7ft hill billy who don’t know.shot about tuning…u want me to put his dirt out there n let people know what his work is like? Ull be the butthurt one…bro my bikes make power…not from joe either…wanna run me let’s do this…i got a boat load of.dirt on joe,ALL PERSONAL EXPERIENCE…,HE SUX

Sounds like joe butthurt u already

go for it kid

Don’t bring a screwdriver to a gun fight… LoL

Lol dude anyone who knows me will vouch for my integrity of bikes…id make them perfect…not screw them up then say hey sorry buddy but ur bikes making a noise so i stopped tuning it…oh really joe what kinda noise…i dunno but come pick up ur bike and have someone look at it…,this is a guy who knows bikes but couldn’t tell me i.had a hole in my block the size of a golf.ball…he’s pretty impressive after he wasted my 7000 dollar stroker motor…,.a guy who didn’t stop tuning when initial noise started and decided to go till he wasted it

was the one wit the titanium rods and so on in a gsxr ? if so i remeber that bike as i was there for it lolol whoever did the motor work should be shot if it its the bike i think it is . the whole thing with joe is , if ya gibve him a reason to be a dick he is one

Yep that was mine…how does someone not here it making noise to.destroy it? Good tuner…how bout the busa we brought there with a brand new pipe in the box and he kicked the pipe 13 times and left boot marks…or how about the gsxr he ran soblean it burned a piston…or maybe by cbr he.dropped off the lift broke the upper in half to where it couldn’t be ridden yet told me i rode it there that way…or.the 99 r1 with attack.carbon airbox he claimed 180 wheel with a airbox and pipe lol…come on i got 100 more horror stories from there from lean motors exagerated hp number and scratched to he’ll paint jobs

Oh yeah the busa pipe he kicked he said we brought it to.him that way brand new in package lol

all this shit happened but yet you kept going back to him. The only one to blame is yourself.

I.didn’t…these were friends i.told not to go there but joe promised nothing would happen…i don’t go there…my bike is in long island getting tuned at a real tuner…,even jj in watervliet tuned my old busa like crap n burned a piston…tuners around here just don’t have a clue

dude i remeber your bike and heard joe tell ya he isnt responsible for it as it was a noisy motor comin in and he was told valvtrain or suttin of the like . if joe was so bad why is his lot FULL all the time and has many repeat customers and so on . how is it we had orient express come there for a tune , hillside harley we did all there custom tunes from mild motors to there full blown turbo setups , stop blamin other people for you and your friends mistakes lolol my god dude

Full of.rat bikes and i blame joe for his mistakes…he never mentioned motor being noisy u dbag… .that’s funny though lol atleast i.can still laugh at his 7ft hill billy ass

Let’s do this since ur on joes nuts…get a bike joe tuned run me at the track since ur such a joe nut swinger…let’s see what u and joe both got

better yet id love to see ya say this to him . and for those that dont know guys , joe is bigger than i amm wit bigger paws . go ahead call me out i dont have a bike at this time and its but let me talk to him and see esp seein as i have a bike im really thinkin about gettin on if i can borrow it to show off

Let’s do it…show off lol

Look bottom line don’t give a shit what u think or say…i broke my bike in in daytona with no noise…any real tuner if they suspected a noise wouldn’t tune it…bike never made a noise…i’ve had 500 plus hp bikes and been 185mph in quarter…i know bikes in n out…,this wasn’t a u don’t know what u have screw up…i had titanium rods…no one does that nor most don’t even know they make them…,so as i spoke ill leave this as it is…i will out tune upstate and big man if u got ANY bike u thinkbu.can.beat me on bring it and cash…,.if u can’t don’t waste my time with ur non knowing nonsense…yes called u out…bringgggggggg it

sounds like someone is still a thumb sucker ^