I bet if he didn’t act like an idiot and do something so stupid, he probably would still have a job. Sorry, but I have very little sympathy for him.
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I bet if he didn’t act like an idiot and do something so stupid, he probably would still have a job. Sorry, but I have very little sympathy for him.
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What was it from the SUV/biker thread…“play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
Horrible comparison. The two robbers had malicious intent. This guy was just doing something stupid and was not intentionally putting anyone else in harms way. Small mistake, big consequences in my opinion.
If half the people on this forum got caught doing stupid shit they do in cars and it turned into social media outrage they would also be screwed
You’re right, but I hope they wouldn’t be drunk or representing their company at the time. Also, if they injured someone else doing something stupid, I wouldn’t feel bad for whatever the judge threw at them in court.
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That is a pretty :tif: statement
I know tons of companies with corporate tickets and all their employees go get wasted and act like complete idiots.
How many companies have corporate seats in the 300’s? Any company function I’ve been to has either been in a box or sub 200 level. Unless I missed a post where it says he was in company seats?
Regardless, both are not smart and have severe consequences if you do something stupid. What does this kid getting drunk, doing something stupid and injuring an innocent fan have to do with people on here doing stupid things in the their car? I know that they both are not a smart thing to do and have severe repercussions if someone is injured.
I guess I’m failing to see your point. Is it that I should feel bad for someone on here if they inured someone during a street race?
I was not comparing the severity of the two acts, simply stating they made decisions which had consequences, the robbers obviously more severe, but both parties should be held accountable.
This is well put. I’ve done some fantastically dumb shit and have gotten away with some, but caught on others. Thank god social media wasnt around back then.
You have :lol:
Depends on what you’d call “corporate seats”. We have an “advertising” guy on campus that gets ticket hookups all the time from other companies, vendors, w/e. They can be anywhere in the stadium.
This is such a bitch statement. He got wasted and fell off a building almost fucking killing someone. If he did this in a car, while operating machinery, while playing with a knife, etc etc is would be manslaughter or at a minimum assault (or similar).
While I’d like to say yes we all do dumb shit, its when your dumb shit hurts someone where it matters.
Remember Chris W, the guy with the Neon that raced the mustang? He spent time in jail, this is much worse then that. If society wants to function equally this guy needs to spend time in jail for being retarded.
Right, not every company with seats has a box or 200 level seats.
oh, im not saying he shouldnt be facing some sort of punishment, just that ive been there, and im thankful that I didnt get blown up on twitter or wivb’s facebook full of shitty housewives.
Did they run a blood alcohol test? Curious as to how drunk the dude was…
This is exactly my point as well.
I’m huge on personal accountability. But this is way beyond that, because social media has taken PERSONAL responsibility and made it into PUBLIC responsibility.
He should be responsible for helping the person he injured. I don’t think that anyone would argue that.
HOWEVER, what it’s turned into is a thinly veiled: "LOOK HOW STUPID THIS GUY IS! I’M SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS GUY BECAUSE I I I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING (that anyone knows about) THAT DUMB.