Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will get me 25 million

I guess Wallenda and ECMC buried this story today-


Wtf. I hate this shit. Grow up, get thicker skin, and quit crying

LOL at first comment, “what company in buffalo, they all left and went out of business”

I wish I could get 25mil for someone calling me “honky”, “cracker”, “whitey”, or “Casper”.

What slide rule do they use to come up with a figure of 25M?

Oh well, it will be all gone by next year.

I think I am going to sue everyone for getting “bullied” about my height then, right?

Bah, nevermind, I would probably just come up short anyway. :frowning:


Isn’t “black” now considered racial too?

It’ll be appealed and ruled for a significantly lower amount. Could you imagine the legal precedent this would set to anyone ever subject to racial taunting lol.

Leaving a stuffed monkey with a noose around it’s neck on his car is pretty fucked. I don’t know about 25m, but something should have been done…

If in fact true that’s REALLY fucked. If he made light of it and the company did nothing, then I agree he should get something.

25m is a bit much but whatever.

Did the racism they failed to act on turn into a physical altercation causing permanent damage of some sort? How the hell did they come up with $25M?

Didn’t they close this steel plant in like 2009? I mean the main corporation is probably still around but I’m almost positive this place is closed up.

I don’t think this is that bad if the guy was involved in the pranks himself. When I worked a government job the pranks were super bad. Rotten apples were thrown when least expected, fire hoses blasted you down, grease on your car handles. Hell one guy even copied the one guys keys, parked his truck up front with a “free” sign and his cell phone…he was getting calls for weeks.

If the guy honestly had nothing to do with it, reported it through the proper chains and still nothing changed then that sucks. Life isn’t fair deal with it.

ROFL…that is amazing. Cruel but amazing.

A company isn’t a babysitter so this whole thing is redic to me. At the end of the day though a company is looking for production and profit…they should have trimmed the fat so to speak. Whoever was causing the biggest headaches and producing the least should have gotten the ax IMO.

This. 25m will hopefully get reduced through appeals but if the guy complained and the company did nothing they deserve some kind of monetary punishment and it’s got to be a big enough number that other companies go, “whoa, we can’t let that shit happen here”.

Not that I know of. From what I understand he made several complaints, to multiple managers within the company, and they essentially told him to sack up. The harassment escalated, and the KKK graffiti coupled with the stuffed monkey with a noose around it’s neck hanging from his rear view mirror is a pretty specific threat of violence, especially for a black dude.

The majority of the damages were punitive, not just awards for the harassment. They’ll likely be reduced on appeal.

EDIT: 3 managers on the site were also found to be liable, but most of the damages were against the company.

Don’t get me wrong…I’m not defending the racism. If I ran a company I wouldn’t tolerate that shit even if the person was a big producer because they pose a future liability. Not a $25M liability though, that is the part I’m hung up on.
I’m shocked the other workers didn’t step up and tell the guy to knock the shit off. If I worked with someone doing that I would have told them off and worked towards ending the drama.

Exactly. This goes way beyond back and forth pranking, if the claims are true.