My job got terminated for not saying "hello"

Alittle background before I jump in…

I’ve worked for wegmans for 7 years, I’ve had excellent customer service since I’ve worked there and have never had any issue with management until I got transferred to the Alberta Drive store. I recently put my two weeks in because of being constantly yelled at for “not” doing my job correctly. Apparently my work performance has been poor and the entire front end thinks I suck at my job (which is not true).

Now there is this one area manager who thinks he is hot shit and seriously has it out to get me. Ive been reemed out by him twice so far and his way of conducting employee conversations is to get aggressive, intimidate, and threaten. I do not want any part of this asshole, I don’t want to talk to him, he can tell me what to do but as far as being his friend, he can suck a dick.

The last couple days hes walked past me and has tried to be nice by saying hi, I completely ignore him as I only have two weeks left why should I bother. Today he pulls me into his office and starts yelling, telling me that its very disrespectful to not say Hi to him.

I told him I dont want to bother saying Hi to him back and he tells me that my career at wegmans has come to an end and I shouldn’t come back for the rest of my term. I’ve already filed a complaint to corporate about him and am awaiting the return of my HR from vacation to schedule an appointment.

My question to you guys is, isn’t there a lawsuit I can file against him? I’ve talked to the HR assistant and she stated that I will not be getting two week pay because of this asshat…(i only care because its close to $1000 for the 2 weeks)

Any help would be greatly appreciated

should of just said hi

I wouldn’t file a lawsuit, it will cost you more than what it’s worth. I’d just try to get the 2 weeks pay and be done with it.

Lawsuits are fucking weak.


Lawsuit man, even if you dont make any money, get that asshat fired.

So…you wan’t him to lose thousands of dollars to get someone fired from WEGMANS?


hey man, they give good benifits

Not worth losing thousands over, just to get some satisfaction. That’s just pathetic.

Wegmans managers are complete douchebags.

I used to be a vendor for wegmans back when I was in college.

A buddy of mine worked at the same place.

One day he was overheard complaining about his job to someone in wegmans management at the alberta store.

The store manager called his corporate office, and said that he didn’t want anyone with that kind of attitude to work in his store.

My buddy shortly lost his job because the company completely caters and bows down to the almighty wegman.

So glad I finished up college and don’t have to work there anymore…

If I had to do it all over again, I’d start working at wegmans at whatever age they start hiring. There are many reasons that they are in Forbes top 10 year after year.

Did you ever think that maybe you were being nearsighted and you actually had a problem? If the whole front end complained about you…

Yeah lawsuits are always the answer. :smash2:

Should have just said hi instead of trying to be a hard ass.

after you give two weeks you can be terminated.also you can not collect unemployment till after you have been unemployed for 5 days

If you were fired, or quit, I am pretty sure you cannot collect unemployment.

Sounds to me like you sucked at your job, your weren’t a team player, and now you are looking for a free ride.

You can get it if your fired not if you quit.

So go collect unemployment and just forget about how much you sucked at working at wegmans.

I love 1 sided stories. They’re the best. :violin:

I would’ve put in for a transfer.

Did you work at Sheridan before you were transferred?

piss in a bottle and put it in the return bottle machine. get back at em!

Lovin’ the day crew responses.

Day crew = Your dad’s opinion
Night crew = Your friends’ opinion

Day Crew = realistic