My job got terminated for not saying "hello"

There’s no way this is true. I’ll vouch for him - he’s a stand-up guy and a hard worker.

sorry work today is super slow at work, so i am becoming day crew for today. Im usually a neither crew.

unemployment ftw.

So is it safe to say your u/n identifies what happened to your employment status


I had a comparable experience… Just bone them in the butt as long as you can with unemployment.

well if you really want to do something about it file a complaint with the department of labor. It’s free and they are the real ones who can rain hell on wegmans as long as your case is solid enough. they can also get your job reinstated if you really want or find a way to get you comp pay if its possible.

On a side note i’m really surprised to hear these kinds of things coming from wegmans.

Dude it’s Wegmans, be glad they fired you so you can get unemployment and bring the down the system even more. Milk it for all it’s worth…

Seriously just go out and get a real job and enjoy it.

Seriously? I mean really now.

I recently put my two weeks in because of being constantly yelled at for “not” doing my job correctly. Apparently my work performance has been poor and the entire front end thinks I suck at my job (which is not true).

The last couple days hes walked past me and has tried to be nice by saying hi, I completely ignore him as I only have two weeks left why should I bother.
You’re going to get real far in life with that approach.

Obviously everyone in the front-end was wrong about you. There is NO WAY they would be up in the front end positions if they were SMRT. I mean, c’mon, you worked at Wegmans for SEVEN YEARS… You were so dedicated that you decided not to take on any more responsibility or higher positions, am i rite? Srsly, the AREA manager should’ve KNOWN not to mess with you. WTF was that fool thinking? That moran is nothing more then an egghead in a necktie, knowhai’msayin? Fuck those fools, and fuck the “best company in the country to work for”, take them to court and get the unemployment that they OWE TO YOU.


Pffft, they dunno what they’re losing.

+karma. It’s nice that someone on here finally understands you…

i want to give karma, but you already have a huge cock.


I didn’t suck at my job at all, I talked to my entire team that I worked with besides the managers and they all agree this is a bunch of bullshit. There are alot of employees I’m finding out about that all have issues with this management and nobody is doing anything about it because they are scared shitless about losing their job. I’m finally standing up for the little man.

And I’m not trying to be a hardass at all… No where in my rights as an employee does it say I HAVE to say Hi to another person or else I will be fired. I wouldnt be a teamplayer and suck at my job if I constantly got promoted and stayed there for 7 years.

Free ride? If it was a mere 200-300$ I wouldnt give a shit but its over $1000 that they are trying to screw me over

A little off topic but did you ever work at the Niagara Falls Blvd store at any point? Managers are hit and miss at Wegmans, I’m just wondering if I know this manager since I’ve been at the blvd store for 6 years.

How about being respectful to your superiors… oh wait

well played sir.

wegmans, sounds lucritive

well there is always 2 sides to every story and it’s not like your peers are gonna disagree with you even if they do. 7 years or not there’s always more you could have done to solidify yourself in any company and seeing as this has been an ongoing thing you probably stopped trying to correct the issue shortly after the first or second meeting. i highly doubt not saying hi is the reason you got fired, though your dialog with him didn’t help your situation in the end.

What did you do there and how old are you?

ultimately you have 2 options get over it and quit whining or call the DOL and get it over with.

In End’s defense, the whole thing of Wegmans being “one of the best companies to work for in America” is overrated. I’m actually really surprised they’ve been in the top 5 the last 3 years and actually were at #1 a few years ago. Wegmans is hardly the best company to work for IMO.

Now End, were you a FE coordinator or what was your position? If you prefer to keep that private, I respect that.

In Wegmans defense, I trust forbes opinion of a Fortune 500 company alot more then I value yours. IMO.

its your own fault…you couldnt have been personable for the last few days…dumbass