Just wanted to thank Whitenblue for the no call/no show tonight.Classy

That is all.
Oh, and thanks for Covering on such so short notice Ms Stairs,but do you always have to have Oroc and the boys stop in everytime you work?

yes she does :)…btw that pizza was AMAZING as always :smiley:

bladez = Michelangelo from the teenage mutant ninja turtles



i’ve never no call no showed in my life, how shitty. :tdown:

at least stairs was there, :tup:

lol I’ve never even called in sick to work.

never missed a day in 7 years

lolol bill <3

I think he is much bigger tho.
Glad you liked the Pie


I’ve never done that either, with the exception of places that change your schedule w/o letting you know. Calling in sick on the other hand…I drive old cars, so my employers usually believed that they always broke down leaving me stranded in far away places:roll2:

hahaha, no problem derek!! ugh i was so stuffed

Your Welcome :slight_smile: I’m just bringing some of NYSpeed’s finest to you for some business and me for some entertainment :lol:

hmm… id think thats a hint from the boss :gotme:

to be quite honest… a thread like this is very unprofessional by any employer…and NOT “classy”. No matter how inappropriate it is for your subordinates to miss work, you deal with it in a private manner. Have you even made contact with her? As far as you know, she might be in a hospital.

calling them out in a public forum is retarded, especially as an employer.

unless of course you already fired her - even still :tiffff:

:word: i was gonna say this… but i didnt know if he was just busting balls or not… but it did seem very lame

Even busting balls on here is not professional unless they have been best friends for like 20 years.


And no matter how unprofessional it is, bottom line it’s a pizza joint job. Not like she failed to show up to perform open heart surgery.

Exactly what I wanted to post earlier, but I was on a phone, and it would have required too much effort.

I can see doing it is you called her and she said “fuck you” and hung up, but just posting this, is really inappropriate…

seriously. i would ask a mod to delete this i i were you…