Just wanted to thank Whitenblue for the no call/no show tonight.Classy

If I wouldn’t have been able to get ahold of andrea I would’ve been screwed.Why would someone That I got along with and trusted to handle my money, not even give me the courtesy to call me and let me know?She had called in once before, which I have no problem with, but to not even to let me know…?To me it is almost like they would be trying to hurt your business because they know you will be in trouble when they are not there.Remember the smaller the business is, the more important each employee is on that given night.We had one of our busiest Thursdays in awhile and I would’ve been in bad shape if I had no one to answer the phone and do the register.


seriously. i would ask a mod to delete this i i were you…


If A mod wants to delete this, I have no problems with that.I was just upset that I try to help most people if I can( and have proven it on here many times) That I just expect the same.


If I wouldn’t have been able to get ahold of andrea I would’ve been screwed.Why would someone That I got along with and trusted to handle my money, not even give me the courtesy to call me and let me know?She had called in once before, which I have no problem with, but to not even to let me know…?To me it is almost like they would be trying to hurt your business because they know you will be in trouble when they are not there.Remember the smaller the business is, the more important each employee is on that given night.We had one of our busiest Thursdays in awhile and I would’ve been in bad shape if I had no one to answer the phone and do the register.


is this the first time you have had an employee? cuz no offense but for a pizza place your going to have a hard time finding 100% motivated workers.Dont take this the wrong way, but for most people pizza place is just one step above mcdonalds… your going to have high turnover, its part of the biz


then end of story and never have to worry about it again.

BTW: I worked at a pizza place. I can make a mean pizza! Actually, I can make 6 at once, and spin them up in the air(even a sheet pizza!). Noone can mess with my pizza skillz!

Oh dear.


Why would someone That I got along with and trusted to handle my money, not even give me the courtesy to call me and let me know?


so have you confirmed that she is not laying in a hospital right now? If she is, you’ll feel pretty silly.

Even if she’s okay, you know my feelings on this thread.

all this pizza talk is seriously making me hungry as fuck…

i don’t see a huge problem w/ the thread… he just wanted to make it known that he was put in a bad situation, and the person is unreliable.

its a LONG story that u all dont know about as to why this was posted as well… it has its purpose besides the fact that she didnt show



And no matter how unprofessional it is, bottom line it’s a pizza joint job. Not like she failed to show up to perform open heart surgery.


To some of the fatty’s in WNY, making a proper pizza is as important as heart surgery.

This thread rocks :tup:


to be quite honest… a thread like this is very unprofessional by any employer…and NOT “classy”. No matter how inappropriate it is for your subordinates to miss work, you deal with it in a private manner. Have you even made contact with her? As far as you know, she might be in a hospital.

calling them out in a public forum is retarded, especially as an employer.


1st thing that i thought of as soon as i read it

:word: it delivers in many ways


This thread rocks :tup:


:word: it delivers in many ways


:word: it delivers in many ways


Under 30 minutes or its free?

Under 30 min or I eat it.


to be quite honest… a thread like this is very unprofessional by any employer…and NOT “classy”. No matter how inappropriate it is for your subordinates to miss work, you deal with it in a private manner. Have you even made contact with her? As far as you know, she might be in a hospital.

calling them out in a public forum is retarded, especially as an employer.




BTW: I worked at a pizza place. I can make a mean pizza! Actually, I can make 6 at once, and spin them up in the air(even a sheet pizza!). Noone can mess with my pizza skillz!


truth.com mad puertorussian skills. It’s teh snky in him.


its a LONG story that u all dont know about as to why this was posted as well… it has its purpose besides the fact that she didnt show


I highly doubt that, and if we don’t know, it’s cause we don’t NEED to know. That’s private business. This is just childish. The shit I could post up about antics and fuck ups here about my employees WOULD FUCKING BLOW THIS AWAY but that is fucking childish and stupid. So I say get over it.


BTW: I worked at a pizza place. I can make a mean pizza! Actually, I can make 6 at once, and spin them up in the air(even a sheet pizza!). Noone can mess with my pizza skillz!


truth.com mad puertorussian skills. It’s teh snky in him.

This is so trashy. :tdown: You don’t air your dirty laundry in public, especially when you’re running a business. Companies have been sued for less.


its a LONG story that u all dont know about as to why this was posted as well… it has its purpose besides the fact that she didnt show


Exactly… and when you are doing a friend a favor by helping their new business and they are counting on you…you don’t just blow them off. Consider this basically a “call out” thread :lol: