Just wanted to thank Whitenblue for the no call/no show tonight.Classy

I could crash this website with complaints about my employees.

It is hard not to complain on here but I have shown restraint for fear of lawsuits.

I dont understand all this talk of lawsuits. He “Thanked” her for not calling him or showing up, then he complimented here by saying she was a “classy” gal :shrug:



to be quite honest… a thread like this is very unprofessional by any employer…and NOT “classy”. No matter how inappropriate it is for your subordinates to miss work, you deal with it in a private manner. Have you even made contact with her? As far as you know, she might be in a hospital.

calling them out in a public forum is retarded, especially as an employer.


Wow, I can’t believe it took 14 posts for this to be said.

Josh :clap:

Edit- haha, I probably shouldn’t have stopped reading after his post.

Edit #2- and it doesn’t matter what the story is; you shouldn’t post about your employees. Do you think other people on here are going to want to work for you after this? I give this thread 5 lames our of 5.


Exactly… and when you are doing a friend a favor by helping their new business and they are counting on you…you don’t just blow them off. Consider this basically a “call out” thread :lol:


:word: its not like this is the first time something like this has happened…

I thought about a lawsuit as soon as I read it.

its rather unprofessional to complain about it here.

the only reason I can see it being posted would be that
you had a member try and help you out, in turn were screwed.

but, since you are (presumably) profiting from such help, this is not the place for grievances.
(unless she keeps spelling shit wrong on the reciepts) :smiley:

Either way…this place has amazing food.

now i want some pizza.


to be quite honest… a thread like this is very unprofessional by any employer…and NOT “classy”. No matter how inappropriate it is for your subordinates to miss work, you deal with it in a private manner. Have you even made contact with her? As far as you know, she might be in a hospital.

calling them out in a public forum is retarded, especially as an employer.


seriously, keep it to a private forum. Its noones business but yours and hers.
now stop wasting bandwidth with this shit.


The shit I could post up about antics and fuck ups here about my employees WOULD FUCKING BLOW THIS AWAY but that is fucking childish and stupid. So I say get over it.


agreed, i once showed up at hybrid and found a customers car in the back doing axis spins

i wont name names, but one hybrid employee was driving while huffing gold paint, one was in the back seat banging his gf, and another was on the hood blowing lines of a dead hookers thigh … all while the car was moving

it was a great show


agreed, i once showed up at hybrid and found a customers car in the back doing axis spins

i wont name names, but one hybrid employee was driving while huffing gold paint, one was in the back seat banging his gf, and another was on the hood blowing lines of a dead hookers thigh … all while the car was moving

it was a great show


true story. It’s actually a regular occourance. It’s called lunch.


true story. It’s actually a regular occourance. It’s called lunch.


oh shit, i seriously burst out laughing on that one and still am too


i was wondering how you would respond :slight_smile:

i thought i saw some stains in my backseat - wtf i want a free interior shampoo.

you realize that means axis spins thru an automatic carwash- with the windows down- right ?


you realize that means axis spins thru an automatic carwash- with the windows down- right ?


Can you do them any other way???

nope, its just a matter of weather or not someones going to try to blow coke off a dead hookers thigh while going thru the carwash …

its a game … try to snort the coke before the evil carwash cleans it away

side note: strapping a dead hooker to your hood and doing axis spins thru a carwash is a GREAT way to wash away evidence before the body gets dumped … or to freshen up your week old dead hooker before you do more coke off her


Oh, and thanks for Covering on such so short notice Ms Stairs,but do you always have to have Oroc and the boys stop in everytime you work?


Stairs has groupies :mamoru:

Oh and +1 to what Lafengas said. Very unprofessional :tdown: . After this thread, I’m not sure you’re any more classier than the person you are calling out for lack of class. :shrug:


lol I’ve never even called in sick to work.

never missed a day in 7 years





:bsflag: x1000000000000000000000000000000000000

what? I haven’t. I’ve been late an hour once, but that’s it.

thas why im da manageer

You’re the manager because no one else could figure out the fryer… :slight_smile: