bills vs. fish - round 2

well were playin for the draft pick now lol

ya I hope they loose every game from here so we get a better draft pick, and looking at the sced, pretty damn good chance of that.

lmao… i guess so




go jets

In a bills fan and i did the same thing


Here’s an idea, lets completely abandon everything that worked all game long and just sit back on your fat asses and give the game away!!! I’m so fucking pissed right now! I hope Mularky get’s fired for this!

bahahahahahahahaha just wow

goes to show losman still is the same old, don’t let those 3 td’s lie. he didn’t do squat the rest of the game (i still say that 2nd td pass wasn’t even a good throw, just a good adjustment by evans) and the offense never put the game away like it should have. minus those 2 long td passes he only had a touch over 100 yds the rest of the game

ya know, im a pretty dedicated fan and i hate the dolphins.

but now that i think about it, im glad the bills lost like that. They blew a 20point lead when we were on the goal line. There is no way tom donahoe and most of the coaches wont get fired this year. and now that puts us in better position for draft day.

Bills in 06’

i hate tom donahoe and he needs to be held accountable for this teams poor performance

All I have to say after watching that game is this :


Bills choke again. Surprised?

You Bills fans better pray the Jets beat NE or kiss the playoffs goodbye. Welcome back to mediocrity :lol:

And for the record, it’s not Lossman’s fault. Fucking bills had it in the bag. It’s the shitty playcalling and the lack of pass rush that did them in. Lossman did a good job, even with the INT. He was moving in the pocket and making good decisions.

Ahahahahahaha i love it bills fucking suck!

Today was the Dolphins biggest comeback on a team since 1979 (might have been 74’) … way to go bills! You have out done yourselves once again! :tup: to you guys!

I think it’s kinda funny how the only way the bills can make it into some type of record book is by fucking sucking!

I cant fucking belive they lost…

you know what…fuck that. Losman got a lot of pressure in the 2nd half and responed very well to it…this loss was due to shit coaching in the 4th

i’m sorry but all you people who still think losman is gonna pan out, are gonna be in for another long season next year. he doesn’t look at all comfortable at any time of any game. he always throws behind the receiver or out of bounds. the play clock is always running out and catches him “by suprise” way too often. he’s buffalo’s 2nd coming of rob johnson :lol:

that and lack of defense.

Losman actually looked good. His one bad play was the int at the goaline, which was a stupid call to begin with. It’s first and fucking goal, try running it!!! He had no help afterwards. The line looked like its usual self (shitty) and the recievers looked like they were running at half speed.

Horrible play calling on Jerry Gray’s part. You were completely shutting them down by blitzing all game. So what do you do with a new QB. Sit back in “prevent” as in prevent them from beating you until the very end, defence. We should have been blitzing him even more, he was cold, a young QB. Put some fucking pressure on him!

And another teriffic game by Nate Clemens…yea you’re gonna draw huge free agent money this off-season after your last 3 games of looking like shit.

:word: x1000