Bing:2 NRP/OPP: 0

fight your tickets ladies and gentleman…

thats two in a row…

i love how she (court attorney) offers me 109 in an 80 instead of 110 in an 80 when she knows damn well i will get off in court.

i watched 4-5 people agree to lesser offenses when their respective officers didnt show up, smart people those ones.

of course they made me go last, and i had to sit for almost 2 hour to watch the other cases, but VERY interesting.

you learn alot by doing that.

Adam, if you pay a lawyer $1500 to fight your ticket you lose a ton of respect here…

i could get you off. it’s just that easy

Bings the man, he helped me with insurance stuff…

Still owe him curry in a hurry… but always fight tickets…

Marc and friends - 7
OPP/Metro Toronto/ Peel - 1

Sometimes it is better for a lawyer or those legal service places to represent you.

What if the cop shows up?

i saw a guy argue his way out of a ticket today, he was nervous as hell and didnt really have a case…

i had at least 2 back up plans if both officers did show up.

it is more than the fact that they didnt show up, neither court dates were the first ones. there are ways of stacking the odds in your own favour.

and always have a way of delaying the proceedings if something doesnt go according to plan.

I would fight it man but this is a biggie…

I cant afford to take any chances.

Like my licence plate ticket and fail to stop at a stop sign I both
fought myself and won no challange at all but dude, this one :?

Fight every ticket and any ticket you get even if you know your guilty.
Chances are you will get off, or have it reduced in court.
And on another note, make the cop earn his ticket/money.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

It’s worked for me and it can work for you.

Chris: 3, OPP: 1

My court date is coming up sept 14 for my speeding ticket…
Im gona try to fight it…i dont really have a case…but i would like to have my points dropped =[ i could care less about paying the fine

You are a nurse :wink:
Be sure to mention that.
And next time keep your RN card beside your driver’s license.

My mom has gotten out of 3 speeding tickets this year alone on that little trick.

Damn professional courtesy.

Two days after my bday. How much over the speed limit were you?

Chris is right about the RN thing. I have lucked out because of my scrubs and also my Canada Post jacket.