There must be.
Us yanks will make sure Canada gets treated like Puerto Rico.
Very little representation, and no more Cuba trips
There must be.
Us yanks will make sure Canada gets treated like Puerto Rico.
Very little representation, and no more Cuba trips
We’d have to set up multiple states and ensure an equal electoral college. Minimize the impact of the uber liberal cities and maximize the working representation. I think it could be done well. I have many hard working Canadian brothers that have hated what has been going on up there for years.
Maybe we can use this as a way to break NYC into its own country
Our Union rep has to go into Canada every so often, and he says they hate us (USA Union workers) with every fiber of their being. Are we sure that incorporating them into us is a good thing for the US? I’m sure it’s very location specific, but the US hockey team got booed real bad when they started playing the anthem. I was never under the impression that people in Canada really liked what we do here.
there are a lot of people up here that are scared and who are realizing they are completely defenseless and that they voted for and otherwise supported their own defenselessness.
on the other hand, you also have millions of fully awake patriots who can’t wait to get back to normalized relations.
I heard these boos again tonight while hanging out in Bowmanville ON.
Our friends said…
Well. The US is atacking us and we didnt do anything to you.
People don’t understand that we are voting our way to our own demise and they don’t feel accountable for it at all.
this about to be a real thing.
too soon?
I’m told by my Canadian friend that there was a guy with a 51 and NEVER on the jersey, but I cannot seem to find a picture.
Found it.
I support this guy as well.
Looks like he made his own jersey and did not license it.
I do want them to fight though.
This is one of my favorite activities!
Australia is Canada adjacent right?
the whole world has reached a state of absurdity.
At least it’s being invited to play vs being forced onto a team.
Why wouldn’t an underperforming team want bio-men on it?
A better prop ad would have showed both teams in a group hug after the big game.
This is the content I’m here for.
saw that. interesting times.