Bing, the news in your country is hilarious

Time for Canada to learn about urban sprawl and start using some of that empty land to the north. :slight_smile:

or the seemingly acres and acres of land between town house developments? Or maybe thats their only viable farmland…

Seems inevitable that the GTA will get as many large apartment buildings and condos as they can fit. Gotta cram as many livable square feet into a
structure as possible. Then charge $300k for 900 square feet.

I bet there are a lot of small communities that don’t want anyone from the city moving there.

For no good reason, Letterkenny came to mind and this is 95% off topic.

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I came here for big city titties.


thats a W boys

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you cant even get 900 sq ft for $300k in toronto

here’s 623 sq ft for $800k cdn not even right downtown: For sale: #508 -115 DENISON AVE, Toronto, Ontario M5T2N1 - C5219665 |

here’s just under 1100 sq ft downtown for $1m: For sale: #213 -75 PORTLAND ST, Toronto, Ontario M5V2M9 - C5232830 |

Gross, I don’t even want to invade anymore because they all you northerners will want our land.

Can you guys this this link?

lol no one tell Reddit

Have you guys heard of the On Canada Project?

Silly “settlers”, time to give up your hard earned lifestyle Bing!

Here is the problem.

“We call upon the federal government to…”

Conquered nation says what?

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we have ardent ‘reconcilers’ in our neighbourhood.

none of my family lineages trace back to any of that shit and neither do those of most canadians.

while the residential schools are clearly a tragedy it’s also been well known for sometime and unironically being trotted out amidst a national and severe repression of all children with this covid BS.

i am not interested in any of it and i do not see any redressing by the same white-savior complex that produced those residential schools in the first place

No camping for you! I have relatives who are CAMPING IN THEIR DRIVEWAYS because the national parks are closed, lol.

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Your relatives have driveways?


Hypothetically, could they have “friends” stay there for a small monetary gift?

Driveway bnb could be a sweet black market gig.


@drvnkd indeed they do. Driveways that were colonized and stolen from indigenous peoples.

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+10 for integrating very different articles into a single, simple response.


I mean, just looking at him and Castro vs him and his “dad” it’s pretty clear what the truth is. Add in that his “dad” was a playboy all his life but never knocked anyone else up? As the Potato in Chief at the Whitehouse likes to say, “Come on man”.

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Looks like its all wrapped up. It would be hilarious if someone got some of his DNA and found the communist gene.

it’s just another (potential) example of revisionist history.

the pics are all the evidence i need to make it at least compelling if not obvious

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