BINGS '09 Wrap-up / Discussion Thread

So now that the dust has settled let’s talk about what worked and what didn’t.

I’ll start with the official word from Bing, since that’s me.

Going into this event there were two things different from previous years.

  • it was later in the year
  • there was much shorter notice
    Now, that said, the turn out was actually really strong considering how many people must have pussied out on account of the weather in the Hamilton / GTA areas.

I counted 83 cars in the lot at one time and we had more coming and going so we had about 100 cars in total i am sure. Less than last year but understandable given the two conditions mentioned.

What Worked:

The Awards format…

i really liked how the entrants drove their cars up to be judged and critiqued by pretty much everyone. It allowed for some great fun.

Yeah some of you guys may have been embarassed by a squealing belt or something but we’re all friends and we’ve all had squealing belts and bad idles before so it’s no big deal.

We’re going to do this again in the future because we need to assign priority to people who show greater commitment to the community and to the event. I know a few of you felt pressured into registering, by me, and that is good… next year just do it without being pressured.

The Cruise… sort of…

I don’t feel like printing maps, you guys just need to know where we’re going since we go the same place every year.

The bad part is that people got lost, but they all managed to end up in the same spot so it’s not a big deal.

The great news is that the cruise continues to be incident free and that people are behaving themselves quite well. It’s a strong message to send and we’re doing it well in my opinion.

The general mood…

People were very amicable the whole day, that is probably one of the most important parts.

What STILL isn’t working.

# of people who eat at the buffet.

This continues to be the key issue.

I am getting that i maybe havent communicated it as effectively as i should have but you guys need to understand a couple things.

First off, the restaurant does not like doing this event. My mother is the manager and is supposed to be off on Sunday’s and she comes in for this because it’s my event and because i force the restaurant to allow it to happen. The rest of the management of the restaurant doesn’t want to have anything to do with it and they basically leave for the weekend.

We do not pay to reserve the dining room space or the parking lot. Every other venue that could accomodate us will cost thousands to book in advance. This venue does not charge and also allows for significant flexibility… we will never find that anywhere else.

The problem is that only about 50% of the people actually eat there.

I’ll come right out and say this; it is inappropriate to come to this event, park on the lot, use the facilities etc. and then go to Wendy’s, A&W or Pizza Hut for dinner. NOT APPROPRIATE AT ALL.

I’ll try to do a better job of communicating that in the future but the net result is that the event, in the future, has to be designed to drive further patronage of the restaurant at the expense of others. we’ve had as high as 90 people stay for dinner before, this time we had fewer than 60… how am i supposed to keep this venue with declining numbers like that?

We’re playing with a number of ways to increase that number but ultimately, this meet will cease to exist if people don’t understand that the restaurant has to generate $$$ or there is no reason to allow this to continue.

The price used to be higher ( $18 ) and we reduced it to drive traffic, but it hasnt worked.

We’ll likely have to force people to pre-register for dinner and the awards and not even book a date until we have 60+ people committed, or something along those lines.

Lastly, it takes me 20-25 manhours myself to make this thing happen and i don’t make anything from the restaurant other than a free meal. I haven’t minded that in the past, but my time is incredibly expensive now with a family and a career so just know that the only way this event is still worth it for me is if parts get bought. This is not as big an issue as the restaurant though… i’ll live, but the restaurant doesn’t have to accomodate and it gets harder and harder every year to do this when they basically tell me they don’t want to.

If you do the math the restaurant only makes a couple hundred dollars anyways… no business in their right mind would continue doing it.

Bear this all in mind for next year…

Being that this was my first Bing’s meet. I have nothing to compare to.

I did like the way the awards/judging was carried out. A bit nerve wrecking to have EVERYONE checking out your car…yet it was kinda nice. The lot was clean. As was the restaurant. Parking was fairly well organized. People were friendly for the most part. It was a good day. Set-up quickly and still a decent turn out.

The cruise, well. It’s expected really. I don’t know Niagara one bit. I just followed the cars in front of me. (bad with names, so don’t ask who) I know for sure em_5ive.

As for the dinner. Bing, straight up. You must be clearer next time. As you are now. As I was not aware at all, until now. I figured we had a choice. So, I had Pizza. Had I of known it was a big deal I would of paid for all 4 of us to eat at your restaurant.
It did cross my mind. Bringing in business for the restaurant. Yet I did not make anything of it.

Then again. This years meet was great. Pick up the broken bones, chuck em away. I believe with a little bit of effort from everyone here. This meet could be a lot more than it already is.

On my behalf. I guess in a way I’d like to apologize for taking advantage of your families generosity. As well thank them.

it was a really small meet compared to last year but still good.

This is a great event and needs to continue in the future! as for dinner if possible next year try to make a set time so there is no excuse to eat elsewhere. Also maybe set up a booth outside with your products on display to make things as visible as possible.

I’m not too concerned about that stuff, i just set it up where it’s safer because i can’t be 4 places at once… i never really get to relax and enjoy this meet anyways… last year i almost passed out from heat stroke in Vince’s 350z on the cruise… it was bananas.

The important part here is that people eat at the restaurant… if the numbers continue to decline then i will not be able to get the venue.

Josh and I can develop some pre-registration options but i have little faith that people will really make use of them.

Is the answer to force the event to get smaller but with a more committed group of people? perhaps…

I go to alot of industry functions for work, golf tournaments, charity events etc. and you’re expected to drop $40 - $60 buying raffle tickets, bidding on auction stuff etc… i don’t think we’re ready for that, but nothing happens for free… and again, going by the numbers this event just doesnt make sense to do for anyone involved… the plaques, and the time invested by others to make this happen is too much to be sustainable long term.

I dunno about this time because I did’nt come but last time the food was really really late maybe thats why people went and bought other food we were there for like 3-4 hours (i still waited though)… maybe start the food earlier like 1.5 hours into the event just an idea…


What about having the buffet outside? Setup a bench with all the trays, people line up one side, pay, get wristband/ticket (as proof of purchase), grab food, go their merry ways.

BTW your balls are the tastiest.


Edit: chicken balls

The best way to do it is to pre-register + pay for your spot and buffet ticket before the meet. It’ll make things a lot easier on the day of too. Set up a table marked with “Pre-paid”, and “New”

So guys can just go up to confirm their payment and get the wristband, while people that haven’t registered can still pay on the day of the event or something. (Pretty much for friends of the drivers that come)

people usually dont arrive until like 2-2:30… this year everyone arrived an hour or so earlier which extended the delay.

i was thinking of making it more of a lunch thing where people arrive at 1 and we eat at 2:30 or so… then do the awards etc.

Also maybe you could make a 2$ parking lot entrance fee, 2$ aint shit and with all the cars that come it adds up and make the restaurant an extra $200+… I’am sure no1 would mind paying 2$ per car 2 ppl in each car makes a 1$ each…

I agree with the earlier eating time. I will admit that I did grab pizza not thinking it would be such a big deal. I totally blame this on myself for not eating earlier in the day when I knew I was going to be showing up early(11am) to help clean on the lot, but by the time I woke up, washed the car, got gas ect. I didnt have time to sit down and eat so there was no way i was lasting till 5 lol. I would like to personally say sorry Bing I will be sure to register and eat at the buffet next year!

I was going to say that, but we know ppl are going to be like ‘‘yo, c’mon man, i know that guy didnt have to pay’’ or something like ‘’ Im not paying for mud/dirt parking’’

but i believe its a very good idea still, and if it helps keep the meet going then so be it… hopefully earlier notice next year and more ppl not afriad to drive there ‘‘show cars’’

Spending Money + SON = ??

Perhaps widen the audience of this meet to other members of the automotive community?

People on SON maybe cheap but if you can afford a car, gas, insurance for the car i’am sure you can afford 2$ hell if you cant cramp 4 people into your car and pay .50$ each…

yah a bunch of us did get lost including myself but it was pretty dam sick considering it was my first time, although a map would have been sick but we still got there.

Were you part of the group I tried to lead to the no-frills after someone lead us the wrong way? I was in the champagne coupe.

Bing - just charge $20 buck for the event and toss in the buffet. If people want Wendy’s, let them go but it costs them $20 to get on the lot.

Who honestly won’t pay $20 for this event anyway? If you don’t want to and/or can’t afford it…you aren’t welcome.

glad to see you guys are receptive to this stuff.

it’s a risky thing for me to come out and say; “HEY PAY MORE” on here but at the end of the day people don’t work for free forever… i need the restaurant to WANT to do this and i want to be able to invest into the event in the future to do bigger and better things.

having Right Drive (matty) come and help was a big deal, first time that has happened, so vendor engagement is a major avenue.

This kind of event doesn’t happen in most communities anymore. I am motivated to keep it happening but it gets harder every year… we almost didnt get to do it this year.

Polar = best idea. $2 per parking is definitely awesome. $2 is cheap enough for anyone to afford and that brings at LEAST $200 right away.

2 bucks to park on the lot and pre registration for lunch mandatory.